-christmas eve-
- all dressed up for christmas eve

and the hat just completes it all

but the socks are what really sets this outfit On Fire

- was supposed to leave at 2, but my grandma hadn't wrapped any presents yet, and i had to go gas her car, which was kinda lucky, cause i stopped at the smoke shop and got a couple cigars for today and tomorrow
and got back and my grandma isn't done wrapping, so i took out half the presents to the car, and the ham, and now am just waiting...
- the drive there sucked, having to drive with my grandma, but the night went well otherwise, had some beer, took a nap, ate some prime rib, smoked a cigar, opened presents
it was a good night
i got a ross gift card and some cigars, and $20 for a phone card, and a little model plane.
- well, first thing everyone decided to postpone all plans by like 4 hours, so instead of doing what we did starting at noon, we started at 4...
- woke up about 1030ish, showered and dressed

and my footwear for the day

then found out not doing anything until 4, so sat around for 2 hours doing nothing but listen to my grandma complain about how hard christmas is cause she has to get everyone something and then it's a hassle to wrap (which she complained about yesterday too, and is only complaining about wrapping cause she waits until right before she leaves to go give presents to even wrap them. it's kind of funny to listen to), then went to my moms. my sisters went with me to deposit my christmas check from my dad+stepmom (they also gave me a target gift card, 1lb See's candy gift cert., and some homemade cookies, caramel popcorn and some poppyseed bread. Mmmm... they're all very yummy
) and my sis wanted to go to wallymart, but it's closed, so we stoped at cvs (it's 24/7 holidays or not) and i got mt dew and pineapple rum
) then we went back to moms, they finished getting ready for christmas, and i started drinking some rum+mt dew, which is a very festive bright green
at 4 we went to the cemetary to see my sisters headstone, which was put up yesterday
it was nice. very cold and windy outside today, but still nice. then we hung out for a half hour waiting for my brother to come to the cemetary, and we gave him his presents cause he's hanging with his gf and her family today.
i dropped grandma at home, and called my dad (he's in georgia for christmas at my aunts) and said hi and talked to everybody there. they've all been drinking all day and having fun and just loud and funny for christmas, everyone was in a great mood
i wish i would have found out sooner i'd be off for christmas and i could have gone
then we went back to moms and sat around while my sister cooked and everyone kept asking for food. i drank my mt dew and rum and since there were no hors devors i had to make my own (cheese and mini smoked sausages) cause i had to eat something with all that liquor. and my sis finished the mac and cheese first, so i had some of that, and that's all i had. they also had turkey and potato salad and a regular salad, and some other stuff i didn't look for or eat.
then we just hung out, napped a bit, looked at presents, etc.
it was a pretty fun little evening.
let us see, what did i get tonight: a tub of 3 kinds of popcorn (chedder, plain and caramel), a not of this world shirt from c28, monty pythons holy grail (
), a orn-a-mint (it's filled with spearmint lifesavers), and a card. not too bad considering i specifically asked for "Nothing".
my uncle asked me a couple weeks ago what i wanted and i said i don't want anything you don't have to get me nothing, and he said he doesn't care if i don't want to get anything he wants to give me something cause he likes to give presents, so that was nice
- Faye

Washed Out
-wednesday-boxing day-
- i already started a christmas list for next year. it's got about 10 things on it so far, starting at around $2-3 items, up to items that vary in size and shape and price, but have the option of costing $100 or more depending on size and design. all things that i could get multipes of and not be disturbed by it.
- got a money order and sent off my car insurance payment, then went to ross and spent my gift card. got a universsal remote (just programmed it, so now i control 4 things in 1
), a set of 4 lead crystal tumblers, a 5 level pants hanger, 1 pair of dress socks (black with little green squares), a gold colored box with some rhinestones and a monkey on top, and a soap dish. it ws fun shopping.
then i went to target and bought a phone card, parked like 50 feet from the garden shop entrance, walked into the store and got the card, then bought it at the garden shop counter (no line) and right back out to my car. the place was packed but i walked in and right back out, without a moment of waiting, in about 5 minutes
then i bought some gas, then went to my moms and hung out for the rest of the day. goofed around playing games online and watching youtube stuff, then watched the last half or so of crybaby with my sisters, and ate some leftovers.
Today was a nice day
except it's freezing cold outside right now, and i don't have heat in the car, so i shivered all the way home, but otherwise, a nice day
- all dressed up for christmas eve

and the hat just completes it all

but the socks are what really sets this outfit On Fire

- was supposed to leave at 2, but my grandma hadn't wrapped any presents yet, and i had to go gas her car, which was kinda lucky, cause i stopped at the smoke shop and got a couple cigars for today and tomorrow

and got back and my grandma isn't done wrapping, so i took out half the presents to the car, and the ham, and now am just waiting...
- the drive there sucked, having to drive with my grandma, but the night went well otherwise, had some beer, took a nap, ate some prime rib, smoked a cigar, opened presents

- well, first thing everyone decided to postpone all plans by like 4 hours, so instead of doing what we did starting at noon, we started at 4...
- woke up about 1030ish, showered and dressed

and my footwear for the day

then found out not doing anything until 4, so sat around for 2 hours doing nothing but listen to my grandma complain about how hard christmas is cause she has to get everyone something and then it's a hassle to wrap (which she complained about yesterday too, and is only complaining about wrapping cause she waits until right before she leaves to go give presents to even wrap them. it's kind of funny to listen to), then went to my moms. my sisters went with me to deposit my christmas check from my dad+stepmom (they also gave me a target gift card, 1lb See's candy gift cert., and some homemade cookies, caramel popcorn and some poppyseed bread. Mmmm... they're all very yummy

at 4 we went to the cemetary to see my sisters headstone, which was put up yesterday

i dropped grandma at home, and called my dad (he's in georgia for christmas at my aunts) and said hi and talked to everybody there. they've all been drinking all day and having fun and just loud and funny for christmas, everyone was in a great mood

then we went back to moms and sat around while my sister cooked and everyone kept asking for food. i drank my mt dew and rum and since there were no hors devors i had to make my own (cheese and mini smoked sausages) cause i had to eat something with all that liquor. and my sis finished the mac and cheese first, so i had some of that, and that's all i had. they also had turkey and potato salad and a regular salad, and some other stuff i didn't look for or eat.
then we just hung out, napped a bit, looked at presents, etc.

let us see, what did i get tonight: a tub of 3 kinds of popcorn (chedder, plain and caramel), a not of this world shirt from c28, monty pythons holy grail (

my uncle asked me a couple weeks ago what i wanted and i said i don't want anything you don't have to get me nothing, and he said he doesn't care if i don't want to get anything he wants to give me something cause he likes to give presents, so that was nice

- Faye

-wednesday-boxing day-
- i already started a christmas list for next year. it's got about 10 things on it so far, starting at around $2-3 items, up to items that vary in size and shape and price, but have the option of costing $100 or more depending on size and design. all things that i could get multipes of and not be disturbed by it.
- got a money order and sent off my car insurance payment, then went to ross and spent my gift card. got a universsal remote (just programmed it, so now i control 4 things in 1

then i went to target and bought a phone card, parked like 50 feet from the garden shop entrance, walked into the store and got the card, then bought it at the garden shop counter (no line) and right back out to my car. the place was packed but i walked in and right back out, without a moment of waiting, in about 5 minutes

then i bought some gas, then went to my moms and hung out for the rest of the day. goofed around playing games online and watching youtube stuff, then watched the last half or so of crybaby with my sisters, and ate some leftovers.
Today was a nice day


OK man I'm off...have a good day tomorrow man!