- i wanted to get this picture like for a couple years after i noticed my sisters hands look small. and i finally took it last year sometime
it's a couple different things: a big cheezit and a regular one, and our hands are at different levels, hers was actually a couple inches lower than mine.
and i'm pretty sure this is best picture EVER taken of me
-more wikipedia
- tara got rid of the bird she found and she's going job hunting later, so we're not gonna hang out today. so i just have to hang out at the dance studio again from 330 to 8.
- "In 1930, the Republican-controlled House of Representatives, in an effort to alleviate the effects of the... Anyone? Anyone? ...the Great Depression, passed the... Anyone? Anyone? The tariff bill? The Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act? Which, anyone? Raised or lowered? ...raised tariffs, in an effort to collect more revenue for the federal government. Did it work? Anyone? Anyone know the effects? It did not work, and the United States sank deeper into the Great Depression. Today we have a similar debate over this. Anyone know what this is? Class? Anyone? Anyone? Anyone seen this before? The Laffer Curve. Anyone know what this says? It says that at this point on the revenue curve, you will get exactly the same amount of revenue as at this point. This is very controversial. Does anyone know what Vice President Bush called this in 1980? Anyone? Something-d-o-o economics. 'Voodoo' economics. "
- so i went to my moms, ate 1 salami+cheese and 1 ham+cheese sandwich, and a lemonlime shasta twist soda, then took my sis to ballet, hung out to watch the front office for 4 hours (spent about 3 of it online looking at mysapce and wikipedia)
then went to my moms with my sis, we watched movies and ate mac and cheese, watched bad news bears then love actually. and i was gonna sleep there but my moms got home before i fell asleep and so i didn't have to stay with the kids, so i came home
- went to bed at 1, woke up at 720, showered off, dressed, then out the door, gassed the car, and drove to long beach. my sisters drove us (me, her husband, and the youngest 2 kids) to her school place, we signed the loan papers, and then dropped her husband at work and back to her apt, got in my car and drove home.
while at the culinary school waiting to go inside they have the food network on one of the tv's, and some cooking show was one, and the lady made sour cream muffins (it was like 4 cups corn flour, 1 cup sour cream and 2 cups bnutter... i think those where the measurements, but i know those where the only 3 inmgredients) and then she showed how to make a sour cream substitute (mix yogurt and butter, put it in the fridge for 30 minutes, bam! you have sour cream) andbuttermilk substitute (a cup or 2 of 2% whole milk and a tablespoon of white vinegar(prefered, but you can use lemon juice too ) and then you have some buttermilk to use as an ingredient when you need it)
my oldest niece was at summer school. she missed 1 question too many on some state test at END of the LAST school year, and so she has to go to summer school NOW. what the fuck is that about?
- dropped my sis at ballet, then hung out at the mall for a couple hours. the air is so cool there, it's like around 70somethin degrees, and outside it's around over90+, so it was great.
and while i was there talking to some people i brought up my telescreen conspiracy theory, whereby the government can watch us at anytime because there is a supersmall microcamera installed on the oute edge of all tv screens and the circuitry inside controls it and recieves and sends signals through the electrical power line. it's very paranoid. also there are camera's hidden in lightbulbs so that the government can track you. did you also know that you can tell a real dollar bill my rubbing it on a plain white piece of paper? it will always leave a smudge, even an old bill. and they do that because it's a nano id chip, super small, and it leaves them everywhere so they can track people through the movements of bills. also that is why they use that invisible fingerprint ink now, it sucks the nanochips out of the tiny crevices in your fingers and deposits them on whatever you left your print on, so the government can scan all of it. feel a gov't document, the ink on those does it too alot of times.
Beware of The Man. Big Brother is WATCHING YOU!
picked up my bro then my sis and took them to church, then i came home.
- pciked up my sis and bro, took them home, ate some leftovers: corn beef hash +potatoes and eggs, mac and cheese, bread. and a brownie.
Then i came home and watched Rescue Me it was another great episode. not gonna be on next week, but it'll be back the next one, so 2 weeks until the next episode.
more wiki
it blows my mind sometimes how much knowledge and information is out there...
"Roy Batty: "I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched c-beams glitter in the dark near the Tanhauser Gate. All those ... moments will be lost in time, like tears...in rain. Time to die."
stayed up all night reading on wikipedia again, didn't got sleep until 0700, got up at 1:30
- talking with my buddy online, he's in bahrain, and since he's like the official tour guide for where he works he has to take the officers and vips and show them around and pay for gas for the car and parking and food if they don't take a credit card, so he has to spend all or more of his deployment money every month to do it, and whenever he says anything about it he';s told that's why he's given extra money so he can pay for things for "the team"
it's fucked
- so i ws online again and looking at wikipedia, and went from team america world police, to orgazmo, to jill keppy, to double penetration to mammary intercousre, to pearl necklace... and suddenly realized there's some dirty stuff on wikipedia
- and then right during our conversation he got called to go pick somebody up at the airport. it's true," speak of the devil and he will appear"
- just heard on the news the spice girls are back for a reunion, didn't hear the details cause it was a teaser before the commercial, and then i went into the shower.
- so spent a half hour or so getting house sitting instructions: cat duties, pool duties, alarms, tv and radio, etc, etc. then went and walked around the mall for an hour hanging out with joe.
picked up my sister from ballet and we had dinner at carrow's. she had a chicken ceasar salad and a piece of strawberry and banana cream pie. i had cinnamon roll french toast, eggs over medium and 2 sausage links, and a mt dew. yummy
then we came to my house and changed half the songs on her mp3 player, and she borrowed some movies. then we went to moms and watched snatch, and i ate some leftovers.
our sis came home, then we met mom at the thatre and saw Live Free Or Die Hard It was really good. and now i have to see Hitman, The Brave One (with Jodie Foster), and Superbad. the trailers for those looked good too
and now i'm home. i made some more little vids to put on youtube. i'm gonna put them on my laptop and put them together and add music, so we'll see they turn out
no wikipedia tonight, i have to get up at a normal time and hang out with my sis in the morning before i take her work, then gonna go to the laundrymat with grandma, then pick up my sis from ballet at 8, and watch the new season of degrassi.
- and did you see the thing on the girl who got her feet chopped of at six flags kentucky?
- Yeah, apparently the girl was so in shock that her legs got cut off that she didn't even scream: Everyone else was doing it for her...
- I don't eat Cheezits. They any good?
later boss....