Hey everyone. Last couple of months have been crazy as shit for me. I was in San Fransisco getting another piece of my brain removed
the fortunate thing is that it was a quick surgery even though I have this weird ticking pacemaker in my brain now. After that I headed back home and wound up finding this little guy who started following me to work
he is really cool named him levi after the wiseman. Also went out to celebrate coming out of the surgery alive and being able to talk so i got this
I then went down to new orleans for jazzfest which was amazing like usual.
got to see one of my favorite artists of all time jeff beck
but the biggest downfall yet the funniest in my eyes was that I got caught in the middle of a drunken bar fight in the french quarter and got stabbed in the back by a fork
right now I am stuck in zurich about to head to copenhagen and then france to finish it up in holland I just dione of my recent sketches
and also these new graffiti markers I have been helping work on just a little image on canvas
I will update everyone with more stories and pictures as I make it through the continent.
Hope everyone is all good out there

right now I am stuck in zurich about to head to copenhagen and then france to finish it up in holland I just dione of my recent sketches

I will update everyone with more stories and pictures as I make it through the continent.
Hope everyone is all good out there