Yesterday I shot the next character for my series, Jean Grey! The model who was Jean Grey will also be Phoenix, Dark Phoenix, and White Phoenix. Sunday I will be shooting Rogue and then next month She Hulk.
Dragon*con is in Atlanta and takes place over Labor Day weekend.
It's freaking humid and hot! Talk about melting my zombie face off.
D*C's also more fan based than SDCC, and they do things based on "tracks". So you have the Whedonverse track, the Star Trek Track, Star Gate Track, Apocalypse Rising (Zombies, End of the world stuff), Alternate Timeline track (steam punk, time travel, etc). Anime/Manga, Real life weapons, and much more. Pretty much most nerdy geeky things you can think of they have a track for. And, from what my friends tell me the tracks are fluid, new tracks will emerge and not-as-popular tracks will become smaller disappear as the demand for it falls.
It's pretty fun. Ran into a few people who couldn't get into SDCC this year so they decided to go to D*C instead.
It's just been one of those days man. Woke up early in the morning for a run and the day hasn't stopped. Here I sit at 1am working on school stuff. But it's all good. Nothing a good bong rip won't fix
Two more weeks until Comic-Con hell yeah! Who is going? If so in a costume and of what? I am going as Jayne Cobb and my wife as Kaylee Fry then if I can get it put together Dr. Horrible and my friend as Captain Hammer.