Oi. This past week has been tumultuous. Went to the ER tonight and got prescribed vicotin. They couldn't figure out what was wrong with me. Wankers, the lot of 'em. The Golden Globes are on. One never realizes how many celebrities there are until one gets cable. OK, go! show coming up on Wednesday, Less Than Jake on the 30th, tatoo tomorrow. Taking 30 days...
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. I thought I read somewhere you saying you missed the sushi business or something.
well thats good. I'm glad to hear I still have a sushi connection in Burlington.
On the bright side for me I just got half of the tatt on my leg colored last night. I have to agree that after about 3 hrs I'd just like to stab him in the eye with a fork and run for it. Especially when he starts to go back over stuff he did hours before, bastard.
k, busy opening a new business , going good but hectic. Hope alls well with you.