SO my family is telling me i can't quit drinking unless i believe in god and go to AA. Fuck that. They clearly have never smoked weed and read good books.
Sex would be good as well.
one replacement drug at a time i suppose.
a bit oversexed at the moment anyways.
Temperance in all things.
i miss burlington.
i think i am a classic...
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Sex would be good as well.
one replacement drug at a time i suppose.
a bit oversexed at the moment anyways.
Temperance in all things.
i miss burlington.
i think i am a classic...
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Aw, you're back in the area! Awesome! I'd be happy to hang out sometime.
Especially if there is sushi involved. . . aw yeah, yummy sushi. Let us know how the dojo goes. joenobody is taking juijitsu classes in Norwich and loves it.

i am home in CT now and can't shake an underlying feeling of discontent.
I need a job.
I need a car.
Anyways, it's a gorgeous day and i spent it at the beach with my girl nicole, so i can't complain too much.
there was a stray dog there that i was very close to stealing. it was just run away from one...
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i am home in CT now and can't shake an underlying feeling of discontent.
I need a job.
I need a car.
Anyways, it's a gorgeous day and i spent it at the beach with my girl nicole, so i can't complain too much.
there was a stray dog there that i was very close to stealing. it was just run away from one...
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My favorite sushi place(s) near here is Zhang's. There's one in Mystic, and one in Old Saybrook. Go Fish has a great little sushi bar too. If you're looking for a job, you could hit them up.
How long are you in CT for?
How long are you in CT for?
have decided to get into stenciling. Graf style. I realize this is a cop out and not the "real" way to write graf but i am a newbie and not very good at freehand. yet.
I think i want to start with clothes.
I'm pretty pumped on this idea.
Did you know that the Galapogos islands were never part of Pangea. They are (arguably) very...
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I think i want to start with clothes.
I'm pretty pumped on this idea.
Did you know that the Galapogos islands were never part of Pangea. They are (arguably) very...
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I like that expression, it always makes me giggle.
you said 'years young'. Heheheheheh. JT's work is rather nice, eh? perhaps i should have him do some work. i need someone to do straight image transfer of another part of the sleeves, first, tho'. Some one who can handle serious blackwork and isn't scared of long straight lines.
I've moved to Waterbury, and I'm not even in VT yet. Ha again.
you said 'years young'. Heheheheheh. JT's work is rather nice, eh? perhaps i should have him do some work. i need someone to do straight image transfer of another part of the sleeves, first, tho'. Some one who can handle serious blackwork and isn't scared of long straight lines.
I've moved to Waterbury, and I'm not even in VT yet. Ha again.
since when are large chain stores closed on Easter? I have shit to do, why can't businesses be agnostic? Another sign of the cyclical nature of church, state and commerce. The American Trinity.
Anyways, i went to my boy's art show the other night and it was amazing. open bar, lots of inked pale people coming out of their apartments for the first time in...
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Anyways, i went to my boy's art show the other night and it was amazing. open bar, lots of inked pale people coming out of their apartments for the first time in...
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Aye. Lord o War. Hoooooollywood.
The insistence that it's 'assault rifles' causing issues in the third world is funny. If not guns, then machetes, shovels, bats. In S and SW Africa folks fill a tire with petrol and place it 'round your neck before lighting it on fire. Necklacing. The Khmer Rouge hacks and/or beats people to death with hoes (the implement, not women of loose values who hang with the g-sters).
Anyhow, I've begun to think that liberalism is okay, in that the poor of the world are dissatisfied with their lot, being told that we should all have the same options, but their society, economy, and the resources in their local environment simply can't provide them with what we take for granted. Dissatisfaction to strife, to civil war. Go US leftists, insist on artificially raising everyone's standards of living to that of the US, and see what happens.
The insistence that it's 'assault rifles' causing issues in the third world is funny. If not guns, then machetes, shovels, bats. In S and SW Africa folks fill a tire with petrol and place it 'round your neck before lighting it on fire. Necklacing. The Khmer Rouge hacks and/or beats people to death with hoes (the implement, not women of loose values who hang with the g-sters).
Anyhow, I've begun to think that liberalism is okay, in that the poor of the world are dissatisfied with their lot, being told that we should all have the same options, but their society, economy, and the resources in their local environment simply can't provide them with what we take for granted. Dissatisfaction to strife, to civil war. Go US leftists, insist on artificially raising everyone's standards of living to that of the US, and see what happens.
i have only one month and one week left in Burlington. Last tattoo appointment in one week from tomorrow. so many endings. Graduation, new palces, new job, going home. I'm honestly very happy to be leaving but i am dreading going home. it is so boring. just need to make money and get out. I have a plan, but shit may be a bit derailed....
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i'm baaaack...
tan and happy. i've decided to move to Oregon. There's more to the story, of course, but who really gives a shit. brevity is the soul of wit, as they say.
tan and happy. i've decided to move to Oregon. There's more to the story, of course, but who really gives a shit. brevity is the soul of wit, as they say.
Wow. Are you moving right away? Which part? That's exciting.

i'm baaaack...
tan and happy. i've decided to move to Oregon. There's more to the story, of course, but who really gives a shit. brevity is the soul of wit, as they say.
tan and happy. i've decided to move to Oregon. There's more to the story, of course, but who really gives a shit. brevity is the soul of wit, as they say.
i'm baaaack...
tan and happy. i've decided to move to Oregon. There's more to the story, of course, but who really gives a shit. brevity is the soul of wit, as they say.
tan and happy. i've decided to move to Oregon. There's more to the story, of course, but who really gives a shit. brevity is the soul of wit, as they say.
Off to the fabulous Maya Riviera where i'll enjoy 7 days and 6 nights of top notch tourista activities. all expenses paid. i love my life. seriously.
Have fun!!!
Have fun!!!
i dinnae hav much to say 'cept i'll repeat maself:
"either be silent or let your words be better than silence"
i WENT TO a rock show tonight and saw some very good bands.
i have a new idea for a piece of non-fiction that someone wants to help me publish...
I want to investigate what the hell happened to my self-murdering uncle's old guitars....
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"either be silent or let your words be better than silence"
i WENT TO a rock show tonight and saw some very good bands.
i have a new idea for a piece of non-fiction that someone wants to help me publish...
I want to investigate what the hell happened to my self-murdering uncle's old guitars....
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Have you read 'Stranger than Fiction', one assumes you've long since done so? Into C.S. Lewis' grown-up fairy tales at the moment, rather good, our old acquaintance Merlinus Ambrosus, rather unlike T.H. White envisioned him. And the ubiquitous madman, the Knight of the Sorry Visage keeps popping up, a long read, that.
'Ice Nine' -shit, no, 'Cat's Cradle' by Vonnegut? My dream in print, everything frozen, please.
[Edited on Feb 25, 2006 12:54PM]
'Ice Nine' -shit, no, 'Cat's Cradle' by Vonnegut? My dream in print, everything frozen, please.
[Edited on Feb 25, 2006 12:54PM]
Who was at the rock show?