aut tace aut loquer meliora silentio.


nach einmal?

englis: Either be silent, or let your speech be better than silence.

Ciao. I dug the Schopenhauer. Watch the news this upcoming Spring. No, no more interviews with Mr. Sunshine.

Whaddya been doin heat wave ? Still warm and dry ?
I just returned from 10 days in Kenya. Which was spectacular btw. Been settling into the Keys quite nicely since fleeing VT. Now that vacation is over i can start work for real.
So what else is new with you ? Is it true you're no longer the queen of sushi ? so sad
The Pocket Wisdom Update (more for myself):

"The gratification of desire is like alms thrown to a beggar. It keeps him alive today, so that his misery may be prolonged for the morrow'"

- Schopenhauer

interesting metaphor.


I love school today.
The Pocket Wisdom Update (more for myself):

"The gratification of desire is like alms thrown to a beggar. It keeps him alive today, so that his misery may be prolonged for the morrow'"

- Schopenhauer

interesting metaphor.


I love school today.
i really want to go get drunk. day 12 or 13. Boring Saddy night. SNL is not funny anymore. Negative Nancy over here.
It's been snowing all day. I cleaned and went to the gym. Now home watching Oprah. It's dark already. Where did the day go? I miss Summertime. I need to leave VT. Day 9 of no drinking. Am feeling so damn good. Not leaving the house again even though Ok, go! is at Higher Ground. want to take it easy tonight. I don't know why,...
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Congrats on the 9 days!
Are you serious about leaving VT? If you are, where are you thinking about going?
Oi. This past week has been tumultuous. Went to the ER tonight and got prescribed vicotin. They couldn't figure out what was wrong with me. Wankers, the lot of 'em. The Golden Globes are on. One never realizes how many celebrities there are until one gets cable. OK, go! show coming up on Wednesday, Less Than Jake on the 30th, tatoo tomorrow. Taking 30 days...
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The reason the ER has no idea what is wrong with you is because you are an enigma is a girls body, no fuz no mus

30 days? that is eternal, at least get that no alcohol crap

you are lucky, 50 degrees, I would be lucky if a had 30, its cold as hell
Why the Vicotin?
I was a part of a seemingly happy, yet fucked up couple. But I'm hoping that this time is for real.
i just found out i only have to take FOUR credits to be a college graduate. I thought i was going to have to take a full load but now i only have classes on tuesdays. this is too much, i haven't been this seperated from school since kindergarten. What am i going to do? I guess i'll be working and drinking and getting to...
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well that'll be nice. wish I had more time for the gym and the sauna. wink

Got tattude myself the other night smile Yup, pics on my page. I'm pretty happy with it and dude is working well with my ideas for the shirt work.

Hope all is well with u and you have enough school to keep you happy. tongue
happy holidays. I had a lovely and gluttonous extravagant and utterly white upper middle connecticut style christmas. It's good to see my family, as misguided as they may be. At least most of us aren't pro-creating. I got an MP3 player. Gym time will never be the same, i'm very excited. Any suggestions for good running tunes'd be appreciated. Beyond that, my best friend is...
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"Shake that Bush Again" by Mooney Suzuki is a good upbeat song. I'll think about it more...
I HATE exams week! Why did i decide this week was a good one to go on a 3 day bender? I'm screwed right now. Fuck. All i wanna do is look at Stina's tattoos and watch bad TV. Brinksmanship to the umpteenth degree. Have a ten minute feature to write on Ann Boleyn. Haven't even started it yet. It's due at 8 am tomorrow...
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PS - good luck with your exams, and have an awesome vacation - you've earned it!
Enjoy your vacation. biggrin
The excrement has hit the air conditioning. new developments as i am a complete sucker for a shaved head n a nice pair of shoes. i realize humans are sexual animals but i find relationships to be draining and mundane and therefore try to avoid them. this young life is hardly without it's complications and contradictions, though. my girl just called me n told me...
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Aw. Sleep well. I don't think there is anything wrong with choosing to be single. It can be a lot of fun, and easier to really apply yourself to your goals when you don't have to worry about the logistics of another person and if they will like it or not. I liked being single my last year of college. Also, enjoy your pancakes. tongue
movies i've watched in the past 2 days:
Blazing Saddles
Melinda and Melinda
Something's Gotta Give
Comedy is the new horror. I also read The Other Boleyn Girl in two days. 600 pages. Winter in VT has never been so dull. The book was absolutely captivating. A bit bawdy. Nonetheless a fast and entertaining read. I am completely biding my time to get the fuck...
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wow. what an odd weekend. mostly good. Packed. Whenever i spend time with my fam i feel like there are not enough hours in the day. They are all neurotic and uptight (moreso than i). My grandmother went into the hospital, she broke her hip. Went out for sushi at GO FISH. It was nowhere near as good as Sakura. Had to watch my neice...
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Go Fish was good the only time I went there for the sushi. But I prefer Zhang's down in Mystic.
We'll have to get together and try Zhang's next time you're down.
Maybe you should fry up some bacon and heat up the turkey with some bacon and melted brie. Yum!
MMMmmmmm. Yeah that ALL sound really good. Lets just all meet at Sprinkles and feast, you can all cook and I'll.... cheer you on ! biggrin

So yah , I am lovin my little ipod. I got a shuffle just to check 'em out. it was justa little over $100. I'm gonna be hooked in no time. I've a lot of music , I think . It helps to organize it nicely too. I'm looking forward to using it during work and it would be awesome for jogging, it's so small and lite.