Like Woah!
Ok - Chicago ... .the quick version (as quick as I get).
My Grandparent's renewed their vows. It rocked.
Even the underage got a little tipsy with the open bar.
The DJ played some nice tunes and didn't interupt it to listen to his own voice (always a good thing).
Yeah - they got me to dance.
Fae danced with my Mommy! (Mommy made Fae dizzy).
Fae danced with my Daddy! (We got pics, they look sweet).
My family took to Fae quite well (and visa versa) ... personally I believe they like her more than they like me! (I'm fine with that, I'm antisocial). Even my aunt told Fae that Fae is "a very good thing for me." SMILES!!!!
I didn't tell anyone about Fae's and my relationship except "Friend" or "Roommate" ... and whether my mother told or not, my Aunt claims that "Everyone Knows" and they still treated us no different. That makes me warm and fuzzy.
My Mother, My sis (Nemesis), and I got Tattoo's. Ok world - here it is: My last name is POTT. For some time I had thought of convincing all the girls in my family to get similar tattoo's to call our family tattoo. I would have thought that my Mother would be the hard one to convince. It turned out to be Nemesis that was difficult to persuade. My other sis (Monkey) ... it was her idea. After a year of talking about it, Nemesis said "Lets do it!!" .... and she with my Mommy were the first to take the needle. Well all got Pots tattooed on us in some manner. Mine is def. "ME" but has a teapot. Its cool. Monkey - however - did NOT get tattooed! We'll get her under the needle again soon enough, I know. She's already gotten one ~ and we all know its addicting.
Long drives - but good ones with good company. I also got Book 5 and 6 of Harry Potter read (or rather - re-read).
Great trip!!
Now - Fae has learned that my gift of SG has run its course. She no longer has an active account. Please friends, if you miss my Fae ... gift her a month or 2 of SG ~ she deserves it more than I.
I can't afford to gift her another month without shutting down my own account --- which I WILL do in the end. I don't SG enough anyway ... I just follow where's she's been (and I know her password, so I don't need an account for that
) Anyway - its the end of one of our accounts ... but not the end of either of us.
We're back!
Ok - Chicago ... .the quick version (as quick as I get).
My Grandparent's renewed their vows. It rocked.
Even the underage got a little tipsy with the open bar.
The DJ played some nice tunes and didn't interupt it to listen to his own voice (always a good thing).
Yeah - they got me to dance.
Fae danced with my Mommy! (Mommy made Fae dizzy).
Fae danced with my Daddy! (We got pics, they look sweet).
My family took to Fae quite well (and visa versa) ... personally I believe they like her more than they like me! (I'm fine with that, I'm antisocial). Even my aunt told Fae that Fae is "a very good thing for me." SMILES!!!!

My Mother, My sis (Nemesis), and I got Tattoo's. Ok world - here it is: My last name is POTT. For some time I had thought of convincing all the girls in my family to get similar tattoo's to call our family tattoo. I would have thought that my Mother would be the hard one to convince. It turned out to be Nemesis that was difficult to persuade. My other sis (Monkey) ... it was her idea. After a year of talking about it, Nemesis said "Lets do it!!" .... and she with my Mommy were the first to take the needle. Well all got Pots tattooed on us in some manner. Mine is def. "ME" but has a teapot. Its cool. Monkey - however - did NOT get tattooed! We'll get her under the needle again soon enough, I know. She's already gotten one ~ and we all know its addicting.
Long drives - but good ones with good company. I also got Book 5 and 6 of Harry Potter read (or rather - re-read).
Great trip!!
Now - Fae has learned that my gift of SG has run its course. She no longer has an active account. Please friends, if you miss my Fae ... gift her a month or 2 of SG ~ she deserves it more than I.
I can't afford to gift her another month without shutting down my own account --- which I WILL do in the end. I don't SG enough anyway ... I just follow where's she's been (and I know her password, so I don't need an account for that

We're back!
Welcome home! I was wondering what happened to Fae's account. Now I know what to do. :o) Thanks! Sounds like you had a grand trip. I don't know quite when I'll be able to work out that little plan of meeting you two, but I am looking forward to it more and more each day. I can't force things with his mom though - the woman is doing chemo and radiation at the same time now. So, I'm just going to keep hoping that we take at least a four day trip up there so I can spend at least a day and a half or so with you guys...? Slumber party maybe? Oh, I'm such a dork. Fae has promised she can make me feel sexy with a few alterations to my wardrobe.... What happens if I arrive in a corset? ;o) I'm working on it. The whole self-esteem thing. Oh, it is so wonderful that your family was so accepting of Fae and you and of the two of you as a couple - my honey's sister has that trouble in her family a little - mostly with the grandparent generation. Love is love. I don't understand how that can be so difficult for people to get. Wow, I've gone way past rambling... Sorry! I go. :o)