Its been a week (again) but here's the scoop:
What is past me is not important - because most of it has been in anticipation of this day.
Today I depart for a road trip to Chicago!! A 12 hour drive (ish) shared with my 2 sisters, both my parents, and my Fae.
(I like road trips!)
I'll be back in 5 days. It's my parent's 25th anny and my grandparent's 50th .... and I've no silver or gold to give. Lots of hugs though. I'm one of those rare people who LOVE (and LIKE) my family.
What is past me is not important - because most of it has been in anticipation of this day.
Today I depart for a road trip to Chicago!! A 12 hour drive (ish) shared with my 2 sisters, both my parents, and my Fae.
I'll be back in 5 days. It's my parent's 25th anny and my grandparent's 50th .... and I've no silver or gold to give. Lots of hugs though. I'm one of those rare people who LOVE (and LIKE) my family.
Ok mer, stop with the sad stuff! Aniversary time!
Enjoy your road trip - Enjoy your family - Enjoy Chicago - Have a blast!
my 2 fav places lol
and you live in buffalo! what do you do?