Woke up. Got Ready. Drove .....
(about 80 minutes later) Met Doombird at work. She made me my fav ~ Peanut Butter Milkshake. She also made Fae a Sundae. We chatted for a bit until real customers showed up. Then I kidnapped some broken cones and went outside to the canal and fed the duckies!
Most of the adult duckies were not timid at all about eating right from my hand. The baby duckies wouldn't be that bold, but they were close enough to of grabbed with little difficulty if I choose to. I didn't - they were so CUTE! One duckie got fresh with me though .... poking at my butt when I wasn't feeding her.
Then we went to my former place of employment and said "hi" to friends still there. I flirted a bit with the person I guess I consider to be my ex (its complicated, as you guessed) ... Fae witnessed it and knew she had no reason to feel jealous. In fact, if anything she was rather amused.
Off to Canandaigua for the Art Fest located on "Historic Main Street Canandaigua". It was beautiful and lots of fun. I ran into an old friend ... which is always very good. Did you know Canandaigua has the widest Main Street in the country? Its about 7 to 8 lanes wide ... with a lane for parking on either side, 2 lanes of traffic in either direction, and a median which is wider than a lane ~ seasonally decorated and very pretty.
After that I went to visit my mother. I delivered some kettle corn and talked a bit. You know - every time I go "home" I get bad knews. I was j ust home last week and found out bad things about my mother's medical condition and my aunt and uncle's marital status. THIS time my mother hit me with "Your sister lost her job and she needs to have surgery on her knee." Ouch - suck!
Fae and I wanted to visit her mother too .... so we headed that way and knocked on the door. No one home. Bummer.
At this point Fae NEEDED food .... Burger King it was ... then off back towards my former place of enployment to hang out at a grocery store.
We decided NOT to hang out at the store, but rather chill in the car way out in the parking lot. When the skies grew dark from a storm on the edge of coming down, we went inside to get cash then out again so we could walk slowly back to the car in the pouring rain. I love getting caught in the rain.
We moves the car about 100 yards to another parking place then played in the rain until the rain stopped. Not too long after - Gothic Elf and Doombird showed up. Soon after that, the Stable Boy and his brother. Then we went to see CHARLIE AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY.
GREAT MOVIE! This was the type of movie where either you loved it or you hated it. There was very little in-between. Doombird didn't like it. Fae and Gothic Elf were raving about it. The tone of the movie had us all acting like children with sugar-highs .... none worse than I. Yes - the movie is PG-13 for a reason. That reason is not sex, language, or even violence. It's simply undertones .... and some extreme visual effects which make you feel like you're on a roller-coaster.
Having read the book (reciently) ... I know that the songs were pretty much word-for-word, which is cool. Tim Burton took some artistic liscence with some of it, and I believe thats allowed. Johnny Depp still excels at playing socially disturbed characters. Hehe. I loved it.
Everyone who saw the movie then went out to "dinner" ... where 2 people had dessert, 2 people had food, and 2 people had next to nothing. (I was a dessert). We then said our "Goodbyes" and parted company.
An hour and a half later we were home. 10 minutes after that Fae and I were in bed.
I worked.
I am going to work.
Woke up. Got Ready. Drove .....
(about 80 minutes later) Met Doombird at work. She made me my fav ~ Peanut Butter Milkshake. She also made Fae a Sundae. We chatted for a bit until real customers showed up. Then I kidnapped some broken cones and went outside to the canal and fed the duckies!

Then we went to my former place of employment and said "hi" to friends still there. I flirted a bit with the person I guess I consider to be my ex (its complicated, as you guessed) ... Fae witnessed it and knew she had no reason to feel jealous. In fact, if anything she was rather amused.
Off to Canandaigua for the Art Fest located on "Historic Main Street Canandaigua". It was beautiful and lots of fun. I ran into an old friend ... which is always very good. Did you know Canandaigua has the widest Main Street in the country? Its about 7 to 8 lanes wide ... with a lane for parking on either side, 2 lanes of traffic in either direction, and a median which is wider than a lane ~ seasonally decorated and very pretty.
After that I went to visit my mother. I delivered some kettle corn and talked a bit. You know - every time I go "home" I get bad knews. I was j ust home last week and found out bad things about my mother's medical condition and my aunt and uncle's marital status. THIS time my mother hit me with "Your sister lost her job and she needs to have surgery on her knee." Ouch - suck!
Fae and I wanted to visit her mother too .... so we headed that way and knocked on the door. No one home. Bummer.
At this point Fae NEEDED food .... Burger King it was ... then off back towards my former place of enployment to hang out at a grocery store.
We decided NOT to hang out at the store, but rather chill in the car way out in the parking lot. When the skies grew dark from a storm on the edge of coming down, we went inside to get cash then out again so we could walk slowly back to the car in the pouring rain. I love getting caught in the rain.
We moves the car about 100 yards to another parking place then played in the rain until the rain stopped. Not too long after - Gothic Elf and Doombird showed up. Soon after that, the Stable Boy and his brother. Then we went to see CHARLIE AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY.
GREAT MOVIE! This was the type of movie where either you loved it or you hated it. There was very little in-between. Doombird didn't like it. Fae and Gothic Elf were raving about it. The tone of the movie had us all acting like children with sugar-highs .... none worse than I. Yes - the movie is PG-13 for a reason. That reason is not sex, language, or even violence. It's simply undertones .... and some extreme visual effects which make you feel like you're on a roller-coaster.
Having read the book (reciently) ... I know that the songs were pretty much word-for-word, which is cool. Tim Burton took some artistic liscence with some of it, and I believe thats allowed. Johnny Depp still excels at playing socially disturbed characters. Hehe. I loved it.
Everyone who saw the movie then went out to "dinner" ... where 2 people had dessert, 2 people had food, and 2 people had next to nothing. (I was a dessert). We then said our "Goodbyes" and parted company.
An hour and a half later we were home. 10 minutes after that Fae and I were in bed.
I worked.
I am going to work.
sounds like you had a good time

I love reading your entries - they're so magical. I love playing in the rain. Please... Let it rain! :o)