So we were talking not too long ago about actors. I heard a voice say over the radio that Johnny Depp is the greatest actor [ever]. I had to disagree ~ while I love Johnny Depp's work and his characters, I don't believe it's right to say he is the greatest.
I got to thinking "Who is the greatest then?" I took into consideration some type-casting and recient works. Julia Roberts - for example - is such a big name now that she doesn't even HAVE to act. The last thing I saw her in - Oceans Twelve - she played a "Julia Roberts Look Alike". Come on now! Otherwise she's usually scripted as a flighty femme in a romantic comedy and ... I don't think I've seen her do well in anything but that role.
Many people argue "Tom Hanks". I can see why - he is one actor with many movies under his belt and the role of characters he plays is a range as wide as a young Whitney Huston's voice. However, it is my overcritical opinion that no matter what character he plays - he's Tom Hanks. I never felt his character - just an actor playing a character. That is not the mark of good acting .... just of making money. Good for him, but doesn't answer my question.
Sandra Bullock ... before her movies were diverse and ske did alright in all of them (I especially liked "The Net") ... but lately she has played a trademark BITCH with some power. I like her movies, don't get me wrong - but now she only seems to have 1 character and so she doesn't go into consideration for BEST. Same thing with Tom Cruise. His work lately has funnelled to 1 character.
Morgan Freeman, Denzel Washington, Brad Pitt .... they're going the way of Tom Hanks in that nomatter what role they're playing - I see them as much, if not more, than I see their character. From man of the house to hardened criminal they still carry the same aura about them. They still walk the same way and hold themselves with a dignaty which isn't the character they're trying to protray. Wonderful, talented men with lots of money - but not my vote for "The Best."
The smart ones .... you have to be smart inorder to act well (i believe). Your imagination must be top shelf. Gina Davis ~ she is a brillaint woman and her characters shine through even the worst scripts (Stewart Little). She has been a catcher in "A League of Their Own", an assassin in "Long Kiss Goodnight", and some chick who had sex with an alien in "Earth Girls Are Easy" (her husband at the time). She would have my vote, I think ... except that she hasn't really done anything reciently. Her reasons for that are the best there are and I admire her for her choices ~ but because she's not acting now I'm dismissing her from the running. (yes, that means all actors not working now don't count.)
Comedians have a lot of talent but not many of them, when you take them away from their comedy, can pull it off. It hurt me to see Robin Williams in "One Hour Photo." If a comedian plays anything other than a comedy role - and does it well - I am very impressed.
Mel Brooks - eye candy. Who cares if its good as long as you see his bare butt, right? Ok, well he is good but not in every type of role he's done.
So I am looking for an actor who is still making movies - one who has played a great range of characters and all of them well and convincing. One who makes the movie if the story does not. One that works well with other actors ... so that no matter who is in it or what its about - if his or her name is in the credits you know you'll see a stellar performance. Does anyone have someone they'd like to nominate? Because, as Fae pointed out to me not long ago, the only actor that comes to mind who has done all that is Dakota Fanning.
I got to thinking "Who is the greatest then?" I took into consideration some type-casting and recient works. Julia Roberts - for example - is such a big name now that she doesn't even HAVE to act. The last thing I saw her in - Oceans Twelve - she played a "Julia Roberts Look Alike". Come on now! Otherwise she's usually scripted as a flighty femme in a romantic comedy and ... I don't think I've seen her do well in anything but that role.
Many people argue "Tom Hanks". I can see why - he is one actor with many movies under his belt and the role of characters he plays is a range as wide as a young Whitney Huston's voice. However, it is my overcritical opinion that no matter what character he plays - he's Tom Hanks. I never felt his character - just an actor playing a character. That is not the mark of good acting .... just of making money. Good for him, but doesn't answer my question.
Sandra Bullock ... before her movies were diverse and ske did alright in all of them (I especially liked "The Net") ... but lately she has played a trademark BITCH with some power. I like her movies, don't get me wrong - but now she only seems to have 1 character and so she doesn't go into consideration for BEST. Same thing with Tom Cruise. His work lately has funnelled to 1 character.
Morgan Freeman, Denzel Washington, Brad Pitt .... they're going the way of Tom Hanks in that nomatter what role they're playing - I see them as much, if not more, than I see their character. From man of the house to hardened criminal they still carry the same aura about them. They still walk the same way and hold themselves with a dignaty which isn't the character they're trying to protray. Wonderful, talented men with lots of money - but not my vote for "The Best."
The smart ones .... you have to be smart inorder to act well (i believe). Your imagination must be top shelf. Gina Davis ~ she is a brillaint woman and her characters shine through even the worst scripts (Stewart Little). She has been a catcher in "A League of Their Own", an assassin in "Long Kiss Goodnight", and some chick who had sex with an alien in "Earth Girls Are Easy" (her husband at the time). She would have my vote, I think ... except that she hasn't really done anything reciently. Her reasons for that are the best there are and I admire her for her choices ~ but because she's not acting now I'm dismissing her from the running. (yes, that means all actors not working now don't count.)
Comedians have a lot of talent but not many of them, when you take them away from their comedy, can pull it off. It hurt me to see Robin Williams in "One Hour Photo." If a comedian plays anything other than a comedy role - and does it well - I am very impressed.
Mel Brooks - eye candy. Who cares if its good as long as you see his bare butt, right? Ok, well he is good but not in every type of role he's done.
So I am looking for an actor who is still making movies - one who has played a great range of characters and all of them well and convincing. One who makes the movie if the story does not. One that works well with other actors ... so that no matter who is in it or what its about - if his or her name is in the credits you know you'll see a stellar performance. Does anyone have someone they'd like to nominate? Because, as Fae pointed out to me not long ago, the only actor that comes to mind who has done all that is Dakota Fanning.
sean connery. the man rocks.
drew barrymore. i just found out she did work BEFORE ET. that made her 3 when her first movie released.
cuba gooding jr. (i know you don't like him--just consider the qualifications) he mostly sticks to black pride-worthy stuff or goofy comedy, but consider what dreams may come and men of honor.
jack nicholson. he's played a silly bad guy, he's played a guy with OCD so bad he could barely stand HIMSELF, he's played a man going crazy in an old hotel... and he's played an old player falling in love. he deserves a nomination.
one more for now--tim curry. come on, he made you believe under those big fake horns and red paint that he WAS the DEVIL! besides, that voice! <swoon>
jodie foster.