Lets see ... since the last post it went:
Monday - WORK
Tuesday - WORK
Wednesday - WORK
Thursday - WORK
Friday - WORK .... then read for an hour in the sun ... Fae picked me up and took me home. We cleaned and packed, then we went and got Cricket (Thats the name of my car) cleaned inside and out ... oil changed ... tires rotated. Fueled up. Then food ... then drive to fae's Ma's home. Arrived there at 11pm. Drove to My parent's home ... went inside around midnight to find little sis on the couch waiting up for me. Both of us walked out to a tent in the backyard and we talked until we fell asleep (which took a couple hours).
Saturday - WOKE at 5:30 (tent + sunlight = awake). Loitered inside until Sis's boyfriend arrived and my other sis. 3 of us took cricket to buy drinks and flowers then it was off to my old community college for Little Sis's High School Graduation (GRATS!!!).
..... It was 95 degrees. We had to sit in direct sunlight. It was a class of 300 or so and it took them 1 hour and 40 minutes before they started calling graduates names. 2 hours and 35 minutes after it started, I ran out of there. Good thing I brought my book ~ got 50+ pages read while they were making speaches.
..... Hung around the house until Fae called. Around 5:30. Drove 50 minutes to fetch her. Detoured home so we could see a pretty view - then took her back to my parent's place. we hung out, watchedTV and such until Fae and I left again after 9pm to go visit Gothic Elf. After a 40 minute drive we got there and watched Addams Family Values then Fae and I trucked it back to my parent's home. We both slept inside the tent listening to the sounds of deer and other animals not feet away from us.
.... The graduate got in about 1:30am. My other sis got in found a dog, returned it to the dog's owner, got invited to a 40 keg party (which the cops broke up) ... since my sis was the DD that night she made it out alright ~ arriving home again about 5am. Not too long after that - the sun woke me up again.
Sunday - Loitered around the house all day - never really leaving except to fetch ice. Fae and I read a bit. we waited patiently for food ... party assigned to start at 1:00. It started at 2:10. Tacos!!!!! Water-balloons. Pinjata. Then Eclair Cake. (YUMMY!!!!!!!). Fae and I were wipped out so we took a nap which was longer than it should have been. Got my bike loaded in my car - drove to my favorite store for food and long-awaited supplies. Then headed back home.
..... Stopped for gas twice. Once because the light was on - but the nearest station was charging $2.39.9 per gallon of the cheep stuff. I purchased 1.000 gallons then drove down to the next exit and filled my tank at $2.14.9
Monday - Since I had the foresight to ask today off, I am at home while Fae works and I feel sorry for her. I have certain chores I was asked to get done and I am procrastinating them now. There are also some other chores I have elected to get done which I am also procrastinating. Someone please tell me to get off the computer and get things done.
Monday - WORK
Tuesday - WORK
Wednesday - WORK
Thursday - WORK
Friday - WORK .... then read for an hour in the sun ... Fae picked me up and took me home. We cleaned and packed, then we went and got Cricket (Thats the name of my car) cleaned inside and out ... oil changed ... tires rotated. Fueled up. Then food ... then drive to fae's Ma's home. Arrived there at 11pm. Drove to My parent's home ... went inside around midnight to find little sis on the couch waiting up for me. Both of us walked out to a tent in the backyard and we talked until we fell asleep (which took a couple hours).
Saturday - WOKE at 5:30 (tent + sunlight = awake). Loitered inside until Sis's boyfriend arrived and my other sis. 3 of us took cricket to buy drinks and flowers then it was off to my old community college for Little Sis's High School Graduation (GRATS!!!).
..... It was 95 degrees. We had to sit in direct sunlight. It was a class of 300 or so and it took them 1 hour and 40 minutes before they started calling graduates names. 2 hours and 35 minutes after it started, I ran out of there. Good thing I brought my book ~ got 50+ pages read while they were making speaches.
..... Hung around the house until Fae called. Around 5:30. Drove 50 minutes to fetch her. Detoured home so we could see a pretty view - then took her back to my parent's place. we hung out, watchedTV and such until Fae and I left again after 9pm to go visit Gothic Elf. After a 40 minute drive we got there and watched Addams Family Values then Fae and I trucked it back to my parent's home. We both slept inside the tent listening to the sounds of deer and other animals not feet away from us.
.... The graduate got in about 1:30am. My other sis got in found a dog, returned it to the dog's owner, got invited to a 40 keg party (which the cops broke up) ... since my sis was the DD that night she made it out alright ~ arriving home again about 5am. Not too long after that - the sun woke me up again.
Sunday - Loitered around the house all day - never really leaving except to fetch ice. Fae and I read a bit. we waited patiently for food ... party assigned to start at 1:00. It started at 2:10. Tacos!!!!! Water-balloons. Pinjata. Then Eclair Cake. (YUMMY!!!!!!!). Fae and I were wipped out so we took a nap which was longer than it should have been. Got my bike loaded in my car - drove to my favorite store for food and long-awaited supplies. Then headed back home.
..... Stopped for gas twice. Once because the light was on - but the nearest station was charging $2.39.9 per gallon of the cheep stuff. I purchased 1.000 gallons then drove down to the next exit and filled my tank at $2.14.9
Monday - Since I had the foresight to ask today off, I am at home while Fae works and I feel sorry for her. I have certain chores I was asked to get done and I am procrastinating them now. There are also some other chores I have elected to get done which I am also procrastinating. Someone please tell me to get off the computer and get things done.

um. sounds remarkably like my weekend