Friday night (worked til 9) ... she picked me up and had a headache. Soon as we got to the apartment my vibrant fire fae crashed onto the futon we call a bed and refused to move. I was dissapointed because I very much wanted to leave then dispite my own extreame fatigue. We cut a deal: I drive, she sleeps. We arrived at my parents' home a little after midnight.
But I got out of the car closer to 1am. After pulling in the driveway, I passed out. Put Fae to sleep on the living room couch ... I went to one of the vacant bedrooms and made my bed (Parent's rule ... no sleeping in same room). Around 6:15am I woke up ... wandered around the house ... ate cereal .... 6:45 Fae decided to open her eyes. The two of us watched TV until my mother got up around 10:30.
My mother is a morning person. We were shocked when at 8:30 we hadn't seen her. I've never known her to sleep past 8am. We then learned that she had been drugged the night before - Codiene and Alcohol. Yummy. She had no idea we were there until she walked into the living room and saw - PEOPLE!
An hour later my little sister woke up (the one coming to live with me in about a month or 2). Socialized, watched TV more, vegged ... around 1:20 we left to head to see one of Fae's friends ... another hour and a half drive.
Met Fae's friend ... I'll call her the Lark ... MAN COULD SHE SING!! I didn't learn that right away though. Lark is such a sweety ... driving us around town for drinks and random pointless errands which amounted to nothing. Putting up with me and my charming self (which ment she was patient with me because I am a wallflower meeting new people and being in new places ... timid, quiet, not exactly a ball of fun.) We did one of those "Taste of [City]" things ... which I have only ever done in Chicago before. Chicago kicks ass ... for the record. This city wasn't too terrible though - might have been better with some crowd control. But I enjoyed myself ... and spending time with good people (Fae and Lark esp.). Even though my ADD sometimes got the better of me and I NEEDED to be moving, I am very glad to have gone.
Later Fae and Lark took me to do some bar singing. As always, I didn't sing a note. I was actually starting to feel not so well, though I don't know why. It was bringing me down. Fae sang a couple of her usuals and I know her to be very good ..... except I got to hear Lark sing. I'm sorry Fae, it wasn't fair of them to make you follow Lark. Oh My Gawd could that Lark sing!!!! We left shortly after arriving because I was dragging people down - but some guy with some influence over the whole singing contest thing wouldn't let Lark out the door until he got her phone # and name so he could give her some kind of prize ... because there was no chance that anyone who would sing after we left would do half as well.
Air mattress. Sleep. Wake up rested but sore - the kind of sore you get after sleeping on an air mattress. Not too long after waking - Fae and I left again to head back to the city my parent's live in. I called up my cousin (Princess) and the three of us walked up and down Main Street in the finally-feels-like-summer heat. Main Street is very charming, historical, and well-kept. They wouldn't even allow the Pizza Hut to have a red roof because it clashed with the street. Very worth it.
Then off to see my Jewish friend - Gothic Elf. Hung with her until her parents took her, her best friend (Doombird), Fae and I out to dinner. It wasn't my cup of tea but I very much enjoyed it. I also enjoyed being treated to dinner. After that - cake at the elf's home. Let that settle ... then call up the Stable Boy and we meet at Applebees for dessert. Doombird, Fae, Gothic Elf, StableBoy and I - we got out desserts and talked ... I ate most of the Elf's and some of Fae's dessert. Fae and Elf went for a walk when the food wasn't settling right. The boy and I picked up most the tab. We went across the street to Blockbuster to rent a video (after Doombird and I put gas in Cricket). Fae talked us into renting Joe's Apartment because no one but her had seen it.
I don't think I'll forgive her for that anytime soon.
Late drive home - me tired and afraid I'll pass out and almost ready to pull over at the first rest stop and confess "I can't make it" .... but then Fae started a conversation / debate which lasted most the trip, It was a debate I very much hate getting involved in - but it made the time fly and I didn't steer the car off the road.
Back home. Check the computer. Thank God - I don't have to be at work until 9:30 (I half expected 8am). Stripped and crashed back onto the futon Fae had crashed on just before beginning this adventure.
It was a good trip - can't wait to do another one. Need money first ......
- T.C.D.
Friday night (worked til 9) ... she picked me up and had a headache. Soon as we got to the apartment my vibrant fire fae crashed onto the futon we call a bed and refused to move. I was dissapointed because I very much wanted to leave then dispite my own extreame fatigue. We cut a deal: I drive, she sleeps. We arrived at my parents' home a little after midnight.
But I got out of the car closer to 1am. After pulling in the driveway, I passed out. Put Fae to sleep on the living room couch ... I went to one of the vacant bedrooms and made my bed (Parent's rule ... no sleeping in same room). Around 6:15am I woke up ... wandered around the house ... ate cereal .... 6:45 Fae decided to open her eyes. The two of us watched TV until my mother got up around 10:30.
My mother is a morning person. We were shocked when at 8:30 we hadn't seen her. I've never known her to sleep past 8am. We then learned that she had been drugged the night before - Codiene and Alcohol. Yummy. She had no idea we were there until she walked into the living room and saw - PEOPLE!
An hour later my little sister woke up (the one coming to live with me in about a month or 2). Socialized, watched TV more, vegged ... around 1:20 we left to head to see one of Fae's friends ... another hour and a half drive.
Met Fae's friend ... I'll call her the Lark ... MAN COULD SHE SING!! I didn't learn that right away though. Lark is such a sweety ... driving us around town for drinks and random pointless errands which amounted to nothing. Putting up with me and my charming self (which ment she was patient with me because I am a wallflower meeting new people and being in new places ... timid, quiet, not exactly a ball of fun.) We did one of those "Taste of [City]" things ... which I have only ever done in Chicago before. Chicago kicks ass ... for the record. This city wasn't too terrible though - might have been better with some crowd control. But I enjoyed myself ... and spending time with good people (Fae and Lark esp.). Even though my ADD sometimes got the better of me and I NEEDED to be moving, I am very glad to have gone.
Later Fae and Lark took me to do some bar singing. As always, I didn't sing a note. I was actually starting to feel not so well, though I don't know why. It was bringing me down. Fae sang a couple of her usuals and I know her to be very good ..... except I got to hear Lark sing. I'm sorry Fae, it wasn't fair of them to make you follow Lark. Oh My Gawd could that Lark sing!!!! We left shortly after arriving because I was dragging people down - but some guy with some influence over the whole singing contest thing wouldn't let Lark out the door until he got her phone # and name so he could give her some kind of prize ... because there was no chance that anyone who would sing after we left would do half as well.
Air mattress. Sleep. Wake up rested but sore - the kind of sore you get after sleeping on an air mattress. Not too long after waking - Fae and I left again to head back to the city my parent's live in. I called up my cousin (Princess) and the three of us walked up and down Main Street in the finally-feels-like-summer heat. Main Street is very charming, historical, and well-kept. They wouldn't even allow the Pizza Hut to have a red roof because it clashed with the street. Very worth it.
Then off to see my Jewish friend - Gothic Elf. Hung with her until her parents took her, her best friend (Doombird), Fae and I out to dinner. It wasn't my cup of tea but I very much enjoyed it. I also enjoyed being treated to dinner. After that - cake at the elf's home. Let that settle ... then call up the Stable Boy and we meet at Applebees for dessert. Doombird, Fae, Gothic Elf, StableBoy and I - we got out desserts and talked ... I ate most of the Elf's and some of Fae's dessert. Fae and Elf went for a walk when the food wasn't settling right. The boy and I picked up most the tab. We went across the street to Blockbuster to rent a video (after Doombird and I put gas in Cricket). Fae talked us into renting Joe's Apartment because no one but her had seen it.
I don't think I'll forgive her for that anytime soon.
Late drive home - me tired and afraid I'll pass out and almost ready to pull over at the first rest stop and confess "I can't make it" .... but then Fae started a conversation / debate which lasted most the trip, It was a debate I very much hate getting involved in - but it made the time fly and I didn't steer the car off the road.
Back home. Check the computer. Thank God - I don't have to be at work until 9:30 (I half expected 8am). Stripped and crashed back onto the futon Fae had crashed on just before beginning this adventure.
It was a good trip - can't wait to do another one. Need money first ......
- T.C.D.