Well - last Friday ... hmm
Ok - recap: My Fire Fae wanted to to get a ride home with one of her co-workers because she wanted my car tp get home from work. Why? Well it wouldn't be right to host a party at my place and leave all the guests to pick up my girlfriend, now would it? But ya know what ... I got out of work early and walked my ass (arms loaded with party groceries) to my car at her [;ace of enployment's parking lot - and I stole my car back! (She wasn't too thrilled about that).
Went home. Did a few odd things to make the place party-ready. Waited. Waited. Waited. Answered the phone x2. Decided to play video games. Left and picked up Fae from work. Returned home .... played more video games. Grrrrrr ..... NO PEOPLE!
Alright - so 10:30 the first showed up. Dee brought a friend who was "uncomfortable with the situation" (what situation? I just have sex with chicks is all.) .... but we made her feel more comfortable by introducing her to my secret weapon: CHINCHILLAS! (Spott and Puffy. Yes, Spott is named for me ... I didn't name her.)
I went on an ice run. Oh yeah - when Dee arrived she was carrying a LARGE box filled with - you guessed it - BOOZE. I didn't have to touch the stuff I bought the previous night. We barely put a dent in what Dee brought. Then the Stable Boy arrived. I've had a crush on him for the longest time ... and rumor has it that he's got it bad for me too. That boy has a body that even strait men would go for. He's very sweet and very charming. Smart, funny ... and knows how to treat people. Hell - when he found out that I was dating a girl (by having it rubbed in his face), he smiled and continued to flirt as always. Very cool Stable Boy. Actually - he has only 2 flaws I can think of. 1. He suffers from seasonal depression and has a VERY short fuse on short days. 2. The guy needs to get LAID! Alright ... this boy-raised-christian has sex on the brain 24/7 and has had many offers for flings (including myself!) but he has never gotten any. To my knowledge, he's never even kissed a girl. It makes one suspect harboring homosexual tendancies ... but even then - HE'S HAD OFFERS.
ANYWAY - Stable Boy arrives. Dee's friend leaves. Few games. Dee and Fae get Hotrodkid. He was wearing a tux. :-P Fae tries to get me tipsy by having me play checkers (with shot glasses) but no one was going overboard that night. Dee left. Just me, Fae, Hotrodkid and Stable Boy. Fae has us watch Spaceballs ... at 4am Stable Boy is trying SO hard to stay awake. Hodrodkid is passed out on the floor. Fae is snoring on my shoulder and the pizza dude knocks on the door. I kick Hotrodkid awake - send Fae to bed ... and soon I go to bed myself.
Saturday I wake up and look around and see the guys passed out and taking up as much room as they can in my living room. Fae and I let them sleep while we visited a Doctor with no mercy. The 4 of us hung out for most the day doing nothing too special - until that evening when we went to a community concert in someone else's community.
The fun part ... it was Free Dessert at Wendy's ... unlimited quantities. MMMmmm
Sent Stable boy home. Was sad ... I like him a lot (can you tell) - but not before he left me my second computer! YIPPEE! Hotrodkid went home and had himself more events that evening - but I was done.
Sunday - Not too eventful. Something about a sink.
Monday - Work and Neopets. I am an addict again.
Tuesday - Fae is feeling better just as I'm feeling worse. And man is she feral! I am a little intimidated by her - but in that fun way.
Umm - yeah
Ok - recap: My Fire Fae wanted to to get a ride home with one of her co-workers because she wanted my car tp get home from work. Why? Well it wouldn't be right to host a party at my place and leave all the guests to pick up my girlfriend, now would it? But ya know what ... I got out of work early and walked my ass (arms loaded with party groceries) to my car at her [;ace of enployment's parking lot - and I stole my car back! (She wasn't too thrilled about that).
Went home. Did a few odd things to make the place party-ready. Waited. Waited. Waited. Answered the phone x2. Decided to play video games. Left and picked up Fae from work. Returned home .... played more video games. Grrrrrr ..... NO PEOPLE!
Alright - so 10:30 the first showed up. Dee brought a friend who was "uncomfortable with the situation" (what situation? I just have sex with chicks is all.) .... but we made her feel more comfortable by introducing her to my secret weapon: CHINCHILLAS! (Spott and Puffy. Yes, Spott is named for me ... I didn't name her.)
I went on an ice run. Oh yeah - when Dee arrived she was carrying a LARGE box filled with - you guessed it - BOOZE. I didn't have to touch the stuff I bought the previous night. We barely put a dent in what Dee brought. Then the Stable Boy arrived. I've had a crush on him for the longest time ... and rumor has it that he's got it bad for me too. That boy has a body that even strait men would go for. He's very sweet and very charming. Smart, funny ... and knows how to treat people. Hell - when he found out that I was dating a girl (by having it rubbed in his face), he smiled and continued to flirt as always. Very cool Stable Boy. Actually - he has only 2 flaws I can think of. 1. He suffers from seasonal depression and has a VERY short fuse on short days. 2. The guy needs to get LAID! Alright ... this boy-raised-christian has sex on the brain 24/7 and has had many offers for flings (including myself!) but he has never gotten any. To my knowledge, he's never even kissed a girl. It makes one suspect harboring homosexual tendancies ... but even then - HE'S HAD OFFERS.
ANYWAY - Stable Boy arrives. Dee's friend leaves. Few games. Dee and Fae get Hotrodkid. He was wearing a tux. :-P Fae tries to get me tipsy by having me play checkers (with shot glasses) but no one was going overboard that night. Dee left. Just me, Fae, Hotrodkid and Stable Boy. Fae has us watch Spaceballs ... at 4am Stable Boy is trying SO hard to stay awake. Hodrodkid is passed out on the floor. Fae is snoring on my shoulder and the pizza dude knocks on the door. I kick Hotrodkid awake - send Fae to bed ... and soon I go to bed myself.
Saturday I wake up and look around and see the guys passed out and taking up as much room as they can in my living room. Fae and I let them sleep while we visited a Doctor with no mercy. The 4 of us hung out for most the day doing nothing too special - until that evening when we went to a community concert in someone else's community.

Sent Stable boy home. Was sad ... I like him a lot (can you tell) - but not before he left me my second computer! YIPPEE! Hotrodkid went home and had himself more events that evening - but I was done.
Sunday - Not too eventful. Something about a sink.
Monday - Work and Neopets. I am an addict again.
Tuesday - Fae is feeling better just as I'm feeling worse. And man is she feral! I am a little intimidated by her - but in that fun way.
Umm - yeah