Saturday: Damned if I remember. Worked - bored - goofed off - got sent "home" early .... yeah, which means I headed back to Pixie's Place early. Arrived - eh - around 5ish. Visited Faery at work (she noticed my new holes). Debated waiting for Faery to get off work for another 90 minutes but decided I'd rather suprise Pixie by being early. ~~~ 90 minutes later Pixie and Faery walked in the door together and I had just about given up on being spontanious.
Sunday: Convinced Faery to call in sick to work. Wasn't hard really - she IS sick! But then, after she called in I gathered Pixie and Faery into Cricket (Cricket is my car. I love him!!) and brought them with me to MY neck of the woods! Did the lunch thing. Met a friend of mine (plus 2) for a viewing of OCEAN'S TWELVE (Good movie, I think. Recommend it much - but don't expect to like it the same way you enjoyed eleven).
I also made some calls and small sacrifices ~ and aquired a mini-van .... which Pixie, Faery, and I loaded up with the mattress of Pixie's queen bed plus a few odds and ends from her old apartment. Drove a very frightening drive back and unloaded into their new place. I was reminded how amazing I think those two really are. Dumb - yes .... working as relentlessly as they did while they're both hacking up their lungs .... but astonishing too. You see - by the night' send I felt broken and was contented with a little boxes-to-be-unpacked chaos. Pixie set up her mattress ~ Faery unloaded and cleaned up ... Pixie rubbed by shoulders (on her mattress ... and she needed it more than I did. She "claims" it helps her carpel-tunnel hands). When I got up the living room was neat - made - and almost habitable.
These girls still need stuff! But they are getting there. I hope they have everything before Christmas.
Pixie slept on her mattress ... she had been waiting for that moment for a long time and I am very happy for her. I just wish she wasn't so sick
Monday: Back to my neck of the woods but driving a mini-van and not Cricket. ~sigh~. Worked - which was work ... except for a phone call which made me blush (but better than that - smile). Got the scare of my lifetime!!! My boss told me: My boss had a dream about me. She dreamed I told her I was moving. It scared her that she was dreaming about me - and it woke her up. So ~ good news everyone ~ I am in my boss's nightmares!!!
Detoured home (VERY TIRED!! I need sleep someday!!) - to return the mini-van and get my Myst Cricket back. Arrived home - and my sister immediatly told me to go online and look up movie times. I did - because I am a sap - and later she and I caught the 9:10pm viewing of Bridget Jones. And yes - my treat. If there is ANYONE who takes full advantage of my generosity it is my sister. I nearly laughed when - during the previews - she warned me to "Be careful because I tend to be generious to my friends and they may cost me too much."
I also laughed because - if you haven't seen Bridget Jones (II) but intend to and don't want it spoiled please STOP READING NOW - There is a girl-on-girl kiss in that movie ... and when it happened I got uncomfortable like I do when viewing ANY on-screen kiss ~~ but my sister cheered! She was the loudest and most excited person in the theater ... and that shocked me, made me laugh, and think. You see - my sister is amoung the biggest homophobe I have ever encountered. She and I discussed why she cheered ... and naturally she denied it (at first) but then came around and confessed that she LIKES seeing that ~ provided there is no sexual tension with it.
Now nearly midnight on Monday. I MUST sow my pants.
Then - I must sleep. Tomorrow ..... I'm afraid of what tomorrow may bring.
P.S. I made a wish. I wish that Faery and Pixie would thank me. Granted - Faery has thanked me a couple times ... but the only things she seems sincere about are the things I don't want a "Thank You" for (i.e. things that have yet to be). Pixie has also said the words ... I don't know how to best describe my wish. I wish for more than just the words ~ I wish to be sincerely and properly thanked by one or both of those two - because right now I feel like despite my sacrifices, I've become a piece of baggage to them ... as unappreciated as it is worn. I want them to assure me that they KNOW what I have quietly given up just to support them
... but I feel selfish asking for it. Especially because I know I gave it all up gladly ~ and they never asked me for a thing except to be there. Like all things - it gets complicated.
Sunday: Convinced Faery to call in sick to work. Wasn't hard really - she IS sick! But then, after she called in I gathered Pixie and Faery into Cricket (Cricket is my car. I love him!!) and brought them with me to MY neck of the woods! Did the lunch thing. Met a friend of mine (plus 2) for a viewing of OCEAN'S TWELVE (Good movie, I think. Recommend it much - but don't expect to like it the same way you enjoyed eleven).
I also made some calls and small sacrifices ~ and aquired a mini-van .... which Pixie, Faery, and I loaded up with the mattress of Pixie's queen bed plus a few odds and ends from her old apartment. Drove a very frightening drive back and unloaded into their new place. I was reminded how amazing I think those two really are. Dumb - yes .... working as relentlessly as they did while they're both hacking up their lungs .... but astonishing too. You see - by the night' send I felt broken and was contented with a little boxes-to-be-unpacked chaos. Pixie set up her mattress ~ Faery unloaded and cleaned up ... Pixie rubbed by shoulders (on her mattress ... and she needed it more than I did. She "claims" it helps her carpel-tunnel hands). When I got up the living room was neat - made - and almost habitable.
These girls still need stuff! But they are getting there. I hope they have everything before Christmas.
Pixie slept on her mattress ... she had been waiting for that moment for a long time and I am very happy for her. I just wish she wasn't so sick

Monday: Back to my neck of the woods but driving a mini-van and not Cricket. ~sigh~. Worked - which was work ... except for a phone call which made me blush (but better than that - smile). Got the scare of my lifetime!!! My boss told me: My boss had a dream about me. She dreamed I told her I was moving. It scared her that she was dreaming about me - and it woke her up. So ~ good news everyone ~ I am in my boss's nightmares!!!
Detoured home (VERY TIRED!! I need sleep someday!!) - to return the mini-van and get my Myst Cricket back. Arrived home - and my sister immediatly told me to go online and look up movie times. I did - because I am a sap - and later she and I caught the 9:10pm viewing of Bridget Jones. And yes - my treat. If there is ANYONE who takes full advantage of my generosity it is my sister. I nearly laughed when - during the previews - she warned me to "Be careful because I tend to be generious to my friends and they may cost me too much."
I also laughed because - if you haven't seen Bridget Jones (II) but intend to and don't want it spoiled please STOP READING NOW - There is a girl-on-girl kiss in that movie ... and when it happened I got uncomfortable like I do when viewing ANY on-screen kiss ~~ but my sister cheered! She was the loudest and most excited person in the theater ... and that shocked me, made me laugh, and think. You see - my sister is amoung the biggest homophobe I have ever encountered. She and I discussed why she cheered ... and naturally she denied it (at first) but then came around and confessed that she LIKES seeing that ~ provided there is no sexual tension with it.
Now nearly midnight on Monday. I MUST sow my pants.
Then - I must sleep. Tomorrow ..... I'm afraid of what tomorrow may bring.
P.S. I made a wish. I wish that Faery and Pixie would thank me. Granted - Faery has thanked me a couple times ... but the only things she seems sincere about are the things I don't want a "Thank You" for (i.e. things that have yet to be). Pixie has also said the words ... I don't know how to best describe my wish. I wish for more than just the words ~ I wish to be sincerely and properly thanked by one or both of those two - because right now I feel like despite my sacrifices, I've become a piece of baggage to them ... as unappreciated as it is worn. I want them to assure me that they KNOW what I have quietly given up just to support them
... but I feel selfish asking for it. Especially because I know I gave it all up gladly ~ and they never asked me for a thing except to be there. Like all things - it gets complicated.