[Sigh] So Tired .... here's the short long of it because I need to pass out NOW. ~
Thursday: Arrive at work - still dark. Work ... is S L O W .... boss is no where to be found (big suprise?). I get fed up ~ cut out of work 1/2 hour early. Drive (1h 20m) to Pixie & Faery's new place. Didn't sleep last night (Passed out after work only to wake up at midnight and then remain awake. Doh!) ... so when I got there I had 2 cots, sleeping bag, and a few other items of practical use. We painted until we gave up.
Friday: Pixie left late for work. So did I. However ~ I speed. I made it ON TIME to work (barely) ... 1h 15m. Work was S L O W again. Out at 6pm. Went home. Said "Hello" to my mother ~ packed some more practical items I could live without but some friends of mine may be able to use ... Said "Goodbye" to my entire family 15 to 30 minutes after I arrived ... and drove 1h 35m back to Pixie and Faery. It was a happy day indeed because it was Faery's 1st day of work (I am so proud of her!!). I arrived there on time to see the end of a nice treat Faery very much deserved. Dinner was waiting for me, but I wouldn't eat it. Instead I carried in all the items I had packed and set up things which would, hopefully, make life a little easier for my friends. They - in their own very sweet and heart-string-tugging way - thanked me for the things I had done for them. It took me hiding behind my task-at-hand to keep from smiling a big sheepish grin. Honestly ~ all the "sacrifices" I've made ... they haven't seemed (to me) to be like I was giving something up. I love even the short end of the stick of being a good friend to someone you really truely care about. That evening ... Pixie and Faery passed out watching a movie. I was glad for them.
Saturday: Faery to work ... Pixie determined to get some stuff ... I was determined NOT to (and my side was encouraged by Faery). In the end Pixie lost [thank God!] ... and Pixie & I did some shopping and some general "going out". I got very comfortable, once we were back to their apartment, while Pixie began cookin dinner. Umm ... very comfortable. Ok ~ I fell asleep. I woke to a glass of red wine and a plate of fresh (AND VERY YUMMY) Lasagna being served to me without me having to leave the "bed". I swear, those fantasy fem's will spoil me rotten. I'm not complaining
Few less-than-pleasant discussions ... an interesting movie ... then rest.
Sunday: Then rest. Then rest. Then rest. Well ~ for me anyway. When my head is full I become restless ... and normally I handle that by being active (or playing a violent video game) ... but under the circumstances I could not do the things I'd normally do to vent ~ so I pretended to sleep. Sometimes (I WAS tired) I drifted off into a real sleep, but for the most part I pretended and tried so hard to make sense of my restless thoughts and feelings. Eventually my ass was dragged out of bed and I went for a walk ... which helped me. More painting ~ but then I started to get a little mischivious ~ booked it out of the house (again) and picked up a few goodies. Came back ... and made us some afternoon Mudslides. Yum!
Sunday Evening: After an episode that frightened me (and Pixie, and Faery I am certain) .... the two flat-mates turned to me and asked "What are we doin tonight?" Like I have any clue?! [I am indecisive and have fun no matter what I do or where I am]. I decided we were all going out and turning heads. Dressed ~ to draw attention (out of character for me! Gah!!!). Make-up (If its not Halloween ... VERY out of character for me!!). Bubbles! Pictures. Dinner. Tried to find a club =+= You know no one goes out on a Sunday night?
Eventually settled on Bowling (while dressed to go clubbing or similar). Pre-purchased 2 games and by the 2nd game the only people in the alley were the three of us and the people working the alley. Between what we wore - how poorly we played - how obscene we reacted between rolls - blowing bubbles - and sometimes just acting childish .... we attracted a LOT of attention from those workers there that night. I bowled the worst I ever have in my life ... and the self-proclaimed "Gutter Queen" slaughtered me. Yeah, I growled and flipped the bird A LOT.
Monday: DID NOT want to get up (A restless yet one of the best sleep in months is what I dragged myself away from). Left late ... drove fast ... 1h 10m later started work. For a Monday ~ work crept (It wasn't slow, but it wasn't fast enough either). I was TIRED! I decided to disclose some previously unknown pieces of information to my more trusted friends / co-workers .... and it was a great relief that I did. I am happy ... still tired ... and NOT looking foward to going back to work tomorrow. I'm shocked I am up now at 1am ... but I never said I was smart or sane.
I miss Faery. Pixie is in my thoughts. As much as it makes people roll their eyes, I am looking foward to the commute back to see them.
Thursday: Arrive at work - still dark. Work ... is S L O W .... boss is no where to be found (big suprise?). I get fed up ~ cut out of work 1/2 hour early. Drive (1h 20m) to Pixie & Faery's new place. Didn't sleep last night (Passed out after work only to wake up at midnight and then remain awake. Doh!) ... so when I got there I had 2 cots, sleeping bag, and a few other items of practical use. We painted until we gave up.
Friday: Pixie left late for work. So did I. However ~ I speed. I made it ON TIME to work (barely) ... 1h 15m. Work was S L O W again. Out at 6pm. Went home. Said "Hello" to my mother ~ packed some more practical items I could live without but some friends of mine may be able to use ... Said "Goodbye" to my entire family 15 to 30 minutes after I arrived ... and drove 1h 35m back to Pixie and Faery. It was a happy day indeed because it was Faery's 1st day of work (I am so proud of her!!). I arrived there on time to see the end of a nice treat Faery very much deserved. Dinner was waiting for me, but I wouldn't eat it. Instead I carried in all the items I had packed and set up things which would, hopefully, make life a little easier for my friends. They - in their own very sweet and heart-string-tugging way - thanked me for the things I had done for them. It took me hiding behind my task-at-hand to keep from smiling a big sheepish grin. Honestly ~ all the "sacrifices" I've made ... they haven't seemed (to me) to be like I was giving something up. I love even the short end of the stick of being a good friend to someone you really truely care about. That evening ... Pixie and Faery passed out watching a movie. I was glad for them.
Saturday: Faery to work ... Pixie determined to get some stuff ... I was determined NOT to (and my side was encouraged by Faery). In the end Pixie lost [thank God!] ... and Pixie & I did some shopping and some general "going out". I got very comfortable, once we were back to their apartment, while Pixie began cookin dinner. Umm ... very comfortable. Ok ~ I fell asleep. I woke to a glass of red wine and a plate of fresh (AND VERY YUMMY) Lasagna being served to me without me having to leave the "bed". I swear, those fantasy fem's will spoil me rotten. I'm not complaining

Sunday: Then rest. Then rest. Then rest. Well ~ for me anyway. When my head is full I become restless ... and normally I handle that by being active (or playing a violent video game) ... but under the circumstances I could not do the things I'd normally do to vent ~ so I pretended to sleep. Sometimes (I WAS tired) I drifted off into a real sleep, but for the most part I pretended and tried so hard to make sense of my restless thoughts and feelings. Eventually my ass was dragged out of bed and I went for a walk ... which helped me. More painting ~ but then I started to get a little mischivious ~ booked it out of the house (again) and picked up a few goodies. Came back ... and made us some afternoon Mudslides. Yum!
Sunday Evening: After an episode that frightened me (and Pixie, and Faery I am certain) .... the two flat-mates turned to me and asked "What are we doin tonight?" Like I have any clue?! [I am indecisive and have fun no matter what I do or where I am]. I decided we were all going out and turning heads. Dressed ~ to draw attention (out of character for me! Gah!!!). Make-up (If its not Halloween ... VERY out of character for me!!). Bubbles! Pictures. Dinner. Tried to find a club =+= You know no one goes out on a Sunday night?

Monday: DID NOT want to get up (A restless yet one of the best sleep in months is what I dragged myself away from). Left late ... drove fast ... 1h 10m later started work. For a Monday ~ work crept (It wasn't slow, but it wasn't fast enough either). I was TIRED! I decided to disclose some previously unknown pieces of information to my more trusted friends / co-workers .... and it was a great relief that I did. I am happy ... still tired ... and NOT looking foward to going back to work tomorrow. I'm shocked I am up now at 1am ... but I never said I was smart or sane.
I miss Faery. Pixie is in my thoughts. As much as it makes people roll their eyes, I am looking foward to the commute back to see them.
i miss you. ♥