ick - 8 days to catch up on. Ok. I'll try to make this quick but I will fail. Bear with me.
Tuesday the 23rd: I worked until 9pm. The Fire Faery and the Playful Pixie came down to my neck of the woods (still a good 40+ minute drive from my home ... but that's my daily commute so I don't care). Faery went to stay with Ma for the Thanksgiving thing. Pixie was hell-bent on staying in her old apartment. I called them to verify if Pixie really was so emotionally suicidal to do that .... and she was. So after work I hauled ass to her [old] apartment (with cat food for her starving pussy) and stayed up with her until I think 3am. Slept on her couch - and was there when she woke. She needed that. Ha ~ but then ...
Wednesday the 24th: Worked 9am to 5:30. Got to my car ~ there was a message on my cell from Faery ... "Come to Dinner." How could I resist? Strait to Ma's house. Got there and met a new resident of THE GUTTER ~~~~
BACKSTORY: "The Gutter" is a place where I do not live!! You've heard people say their head is in a gutter ... well the Faery has claimed to of taken up residency there. She lives at 321 Gutter St. She is the Gutter Bitch. The Pixie is the Gutter Queen and has a Castle on the 600's block. My friend - Poopie - lives at 69 Gutter Ave. Everyone I know has a title and a home there. I think I may even write a musical about this city called "Gutter". However ~ I do NOT live in The Gutter. I am a stray dog ("The Stray") who usually has a nice view of the gutter but comes in to visit. The Gutter Bitch has, however, placed a tag on The Stray which reads "If lost - please return to 321 Gutter St. Property of The Bitch." Hehe ~ the only way OUT of the Gutter is to run up the down escelator (because all ways into are down
So I met a new resident of The Gutter .... he clicked my own red collar around my neck then attached my red leash to it. "I'm The Dog Catcher." Enjoyed dinner. Then some alcohol. Ok - STRONG alcohol. I have a good tolerance ~ but - DAMN. I wasn't allowed to go home ... so I crashed with Faery at Ma's house. You'd think we'd sleep but - yeah ... right. Eventually (No kids, get your head out of the gutter).
Thursday the 25th: TURKEY DAY! Making my family a little angry at me because I haven't been home in days ~ I arrived a little after Noon to a house FILLED with people who I was related too. Scary how many people are related to me. Dinner was set up for 22 people but more showed up than we had seats for. I was so tired I crashed on a couch after dinner (before dessert) and all the camera-happy people took embarrassing pictures (including ones of my tattoos). My family is about as crazy as I am .... we wore more dessert than we ate. After the meal and movies with my mildly hyper-active family ... the day was nothing special to speak of except that they were all there and that was kind of cool. Naturally - bedtime never came that night because ~ why should it?
Friday the 26th:
Black Friday. I was DETERMINED to "People Watch" all the idiots who went shopping on the well known "worst shopping day of the year" ... and in so doing become one of the idiots. I recruited a certain Faery to keep me company. We were good, for the most part .... light shopping. No buying. LOTS of ideas. Tried on everything. Read books outloud ... blew bubbles just for fun ... caused mini tiffs of random chaos ... but we had a lot of fun. I tried VERY hard to persuade her to come back to my cave but it was futile. Instead I went with her back to Ma's and learned that everyone has a point. We stayed talking until early hours of the mornin but then I had to leave. I got home and then the sun rose ... and I turned around and went to work ...
Saturday the 27th: Worked ... like 3 people ... because I was the unofficial boss and my strongest worker called in sick with no replacement to be found. I knew I had to be out by 4pm though because I had to get to a party for my Grandmother's 80th Birthday (we rented an entire restarunt. Very cool.) The Pixie showed at work around 3:50 and told me something which provoked a "We need to talk - now" from me. I actually invited her to crash my family's party. After the party - the Pixie followed me home. I packed ... said "Goodbye" to my family (who wasn't leaving for another 36 hours) ... then the Pixie and I hit the road and got a Hotel not too far from where the Faery was. We kept ourselves fairly entertained once we got there
Sunday the 28th: Pixie and I met Faery for breakfast. Then - off to pack. While it was very difficult for Faery at moments ... we allowed ourselves to have waves of light humor to get ourselves through the situation with a little sanity. Then the Pixie and I kidnapped Faery and were DETERMINED to have a good time ....
And we did :-) .... at my own personal boundries expense (but I LIKE IT ... didn't then. Do now) in the beginning but then later ~ well ... we had a damn good time. Use your imagination (or read the Faery's file for a little more detail) ... But overall it was - yeah.
That night we had a little tiff about sleeping arrangements. In the end we all ended up where we didn't want to be ~ Pixie and Faery each in their own beds and I on a floor. However in the middle of the night Pixie woke up to an unsettling sound. She then woke Faery (believing it was her) ... and both realized the sound was me. I was shaking uncontrolably in some kind of shock ... I still don't understand. Pixie and Faery haulled me into a bed and covered me with blankets ... and slept on either side of me. It was for my own good ~ but in the end I think everyone was grateful for the excuse to get all 3 of us into one bed (innocently).
Monday the 29th: Because I was 2 hours from work and started work in 90 minutes ... and was still shaking ... I called in sick. Pixie also played hookie ~ and Pixie, Faery, and I spent another day together .... this time with slightly less fun. Much more break-downs and high tension / high stress moments ... but we were grateful for one another's company through all of it and overall would count it as a very good day. Pixie and I had the hotel room again ... and we knew that both of us were overdue for rest. Each her own bed ....
Tuesday the 30th: Packed some of the Pixie's stuff into Cricket. Drove home - then work (45 extra minutes of driving with the gas light on). Worked. Got a call from Faery ~ she was GOING to turn me colors at work. After work I called the Pixie and Faery who were scouting their new home (hooray!!) and gave them hell .... and we gave one another hope for a very fun - good for everyone - and sleep deprived weekend to come. Its all good. So from this second on I'm living in what I will be doing Thursday - Friday - Saturday - Sunday. Wow. Not much of a break.
ANYWAY - yeah.
---- [deep breath. sigh. plunge in again]
Tuesday the 23rd: I worked until 9pm. The Fire Faery and the Playful Pixie came down to my neck of the woods (still a good 40+ minute drive from my home ... but that's my daily commute so I don't care). Faery went to stay with Ma for the Thanksgiving thing. Pixie was hell-bent on staying in her old apartment. I called them to verify if Pixie really was so emotionally suicidal to do that .... and she was. So after work I hauled ass to her [old] apartment (with cat food for her starving pussy) and stayed up with her until I think 3am. Slept on her couch - and was there when she woke. She needed that. Ha ~ but then ...
Wednesday the 24th: Worked 9am to 5:30. Got to my car ~ there was a message on my cell from Faery ... "Come to Dinner." How could I resist? Strait to Ma's house. Got there and met a new resident of THE GUTTER ~~~~
BACKSTORY: "The Gutter" is a place where I do not live!! You've heard people say their head is in a gutter ... well the Faery has claimed to of taken up residency there. She lives at 321 Gutter St. She is the Gutter Bitch. The Pixie is the Gutter Queen and has a Castle on the 600's block. My friend - Poopie - lives at 69 Gutter Ave. Everyone I know has a title and a home there. I think I may even write a musical about this city called "Gutter". However ~ I do NOT live in The Gutter. I am a stray dog ("The Stray") who usually has a nice view of the gutter but comes in to visit. The Gutter Bitch has, however, placed a tag on The Stray which reads "If lost - please return to 321 Gutter St. Property of The Bitch." Hehe ~ the only way OUT of the Gutter is to run up the down escelator (because all ways into are down

So I met a new resident of The Gutter .... he clicked my own red collar around my neck then attached my red leash to it. "I'm The Dog Catcher." Enjoyed dinner. Then some alcohol. Ok - STRONG alcohol. I have a good tolerance ~ but - DAMN. I wasn't allowed to go home ... so I crashed with Faery at Ma's house. You'd think we'd sleep but - yeah ... right. Eventually (No kids, get your head out of the gutter).
Thursday the 25th: TURKEY DAY! Making my family a little angry at me because I haven't been home in days ~ I arrived a little after Noon to a house FILLED with people who I was related too. Scary how many people are related to me. Dinner was set up for 22 people but more showed up than we had seats for. I was so tired I crashed on a couch after dinner (before dessert) and all the camera-happy people took embarrassing pictures (including ones of my tattoos). My family is about as crazy as I am .... we wore more dessert than we ate. After the meal and movies with my mildly hyper-active family ... the day was nothing special to speak of except that they were all there and that was kind of cool. Naturally - bedtime never came that night because ~ why should it?
Friday the 26th:

Saturday the 27th: Worked ... like 3 people ... because I was the unofficial boss and my strongest worker called in sick with no replacement to be found. I knew I had to be out by 4pm though because I had to get to a party for my Grandmother's 80th Birthday (we rented an entire restarunt. Very cool.) The Pixie showed at work around 3:50 and told me something which provoked a "We need to talk - now" from me. I actually invited her to crash my family's party. After the party - the Pixie followed me home. I packed ... said "Goodbye" to my family (who wasn't leaving for another 36 hours) ... then the Pixie and I hit the road and got a Hotel not too far from where the Faery was. We kept ourselves fairly entertained once we got there

Sunday the 28th: Pixie and I met Faery for breakfast. Then - off to pack. While it was very difficult for Faery at moments ... we allowed ourselves to have waves of light humor to get ourselves through the situation with a little sanity. Then the Pixie and I kidnapped Faery and were DETERMINED to have a good time ....
And we did :-) .... at my own personal boundries expense (but I LIKE IT ... didn't then. Do now) in the beginning but then later ~ well ... we had a damn good time. Use your imagination (or read the Faery's file for a little more detail) ... But overall it was - yeah.
That night we had a little tiff about sleeping arrangements. In the end we all ended up where we didn't want to be ~ Pixie and Faery each in their own beds and I on a floor. However in the middle of the night Pixie woke up to an unsettling sound. She then woke Faery (believing it was her) ... and both realized the sound was me. I was shaking uncontrolably in some kind of shock ... I still don't understand. Pixie and Faery haulled me into a bed and covered me with blankets ... and slept on either side of me. It was for my own good ~ but in the end I think everyone was grateful for the excuse to get all 3 of us into one bed (innocently).
Monday the 29th: Because I was 2 hours from work and started work in 90 minutes ... and was still shaking ... I called in sick. Pixie also played hookie ~ and Pixie, Faery, and I spent another day together .... this time with slightly less fun. Much more break-downs and high tension / high stress moments ... but we were grateful for one another's company through all of it and overall would count it as a very good day. Pixie and I had the hotel room again ... and we knew that both of us were overdue for rest. Each her own bed ....
Tuesday the 30th: Packed some of the Pixie's stuff into Cricket. Drove home - then work (45 extra minutes of driving with the gas light on). Worked. Got a call from Faery ~ she was GOING to turn me colors at work. After work I called the Pixie and Faery who were scouting their new home (hooray!!) and gave them hell .... and we gave one another hope for a very fun - good for everyone - and sleep deprived weekend to come. Its all good. So from this second on I'm living in what I will be doing Thursday - Friday - Saturday - Sunday. Wow. Not much of a break.
ANYWAY - yeah.

---- [deep breath. sigh. plunge in again]

... and watching you wake yourself up several times just to look into my eyes ~ and walking down the street and picturing the chaos we could cause if we had just gotten onto the schoolbus ... random pictures in total darkness ... and seeing the lust in your face when you did NOT get your way. The rush when I said "No." ....
you're talking about the demand i made that you did not respond to... that one made me BURN...