Re: Yesterday ~
Well well well - it looks like there is hope for this country yet. And you know what freaks? More than half of this voting country agrees with me!!! Thats right bitches!! Even if I've only ever met one of them .....
My house is gonna get egg'd tonight isn't it?
In Other News: So I'm walking down the street .... a little sugar high. Yeah, so I'm running down the street .... screaming "Ahhhhh!!!" ~ and WHAM! I hit a wall. It wasn't no nice plaster wall either. No, this fucker was made of brick ... and when I hit it I got all bloody and scratched up. No matter what happens, I'll have scars.
I hit the wall and I'm like "Who put this here?" Then I look around and apparently I'd been running a bit further than I origionally thought. I was just a wee bit ... umm ... lost. And damn, I hurt. This is going to swell ~
But I was on the low road. Above me, on the high road, two people saw me running - screaming - and not caring ... and they decided to follow me a little bit. I must have amused them ... perhaps it was because I was also dressed like a wolf. So those people had been following me only a short distance and they saw me hit the wall. They felt a little sorry for me but then I looked up and them and smiled ... used my sleeve to wipe some blood away ... and began to laugh. Their pity quickly left them, and they pointed down at me and laughed. They taunted me "Why did you let yourself hit that wall?" "You're covered in blood!" "If only you could see it from here - OMG, you idiot! Haha!"
The pair were laughing so hard at me they didn't notice that they lost their footing. They began to fall. The fall might have killed them ~ except they landed on soft furry and now well tenderized Me. I caught them and am using all my strength to hold them up.
My road has ended. It has no where else to go except where I came from .... The laughing pair asked for my help to get them back to their higher road. If I help them, I must also go with them. At first I believed that the only way I could aid them would be to allow them to step on my shoulders - walk on me - and to treat me like the tame wolf I looked like I was. But ... if I can persuade them to listen to me; and to trust me .... I know this low road well, even if this section of it is new to me. I believe there is a way we can help each other. It will be harder ~ for everyone (even me, because its easy to be stepped on) ... but it'll be safer.
The ONLY reason I have to leave my low road is to help them find their high road again .... that, and my own desire to explore (knowing full well I'm giving up security). Now I suffer from "Save-The-World-Itis". At a glance I have it comparitivly easy. But its not fair ~ that those who fell onto an injured wolf ask her for help even before they've stopped leaning in her. To lift them up, I must be below them.
Now I'm inspired, not just to help them to the high road, but to take them to a place all 3 of us have never been. I'll pull them up with my leash and collor even if it chokes me - because I've tasted blood and I want more. In the end - and end which is not out of sight - I believe we'll grow wings. We'll reach heights not even dwellers of the high road imagined ... and falling would not envelope our hearts in fear.
But the laughing pair would have to trust the lonely bleeding wolf. Asking for the easiest way would only keep the wolf a pet. The hard way - the bloody way - will find us wings.
The sugar high has worn off .... and I can feel my bruises now. Moments ago I was crazy, wild and free. Now I am battered, beaten and bleeding - and being asked to boldly break the barriers before us and I'm thinking "I barely have the will to even stand." But - Inspired - I don't care. My A.D.D. helps me make everything else dissapear. I fight ~ and my leash is not for me to pull them up; but for us all to pull ourselves up. It may just work ...
But I need sleep. I might just be insane.
~~ oh, and I can hear the eggs now .....
Well well well - it looks like there is hope for this country yet. And you know what freaks? More than half of this voting country agrees with me!!! Thats right bitches!! Even if I've only ever met one of them .....
My house is gonna get egg'd tonight isn't it?
In Other News: So I'm walking down the street .... a little sugar high. Yeah, so I'm running down the street .... screaming "Ahhhhh!!!" ~ and WHAM! I hit a wall. It wasn't no nice plaster wall either. No, this fucker was made of brick ... and when I hit it I got all bloody and scratched up. No matter what happens, I'll have scars.
I hit the wall and I'm like "Who put this here?" Then I look around and apparently I'd been running a bit further than I origionally thought. I was just a wee bit ... umm ... lost. And damn, I hurt. This is going to swell ~
But I was on the low road. Above me, on the high road, two people saw me running - screaming - and not caring ... and they decided to follow me a little bit. I must have amused them ... perhaps it was because I was also dressed like a wolf. So those people had been following me only a short distance and they saw me hit the wall. They felt a little sorry for me but then I looked up and them and smiled ... used my sleeve to wipe some blood away ... and began to laugh. Their pity quickly left them, and they pointed down at me and laughed. They taunted me "Why did you let yourself hit that wall?" "You're covered in blood!" "If only you could see it from here - OMG, you idiot! Haha!"
The pair were laughing so hard at me they didn't notice that they lost their footing. They began to fall. The fall might have killed them ~ except they landed on soft furry and now well tenderized Me. I caught them and am using all my strength to hold them up.
My road has ended. It has no where else to go except where I came from .... The laughing pair asked for my help to get them back to their higher road. If I help them, I must also go with them. At first I believed that the only way I could aid them would be to allow them to step on my shoulders - walk on me - and to treat me like the tame wolf I looked like I was. But ... if I can persuade them to listen to me; and to trust me .... I know this low road well, even if this section of it is new to me. I believe there is a way we can help each other. It will be harder ~ for everyone (even me, because its easy to be stepped on) ... but it'll be safer.
The ONLY reason I have to leave my low road is to help them find their high road again .... that, and my own desire to explore (knowing full well I'm giving up security). Now I suffer from "Save-The-World-Itis". At a glance I have it comparitivly easy. But its not fair ~ that those who fell onto an injured wolf ask her for help even before they've stopped leaning in her. To lift them up, I must be below them.
Now I'm inspired, not just to help them to the high road, but to take them to a place all 3 of us have never been. I'll pull them up with my leash and collor even if it chokes me - because I've tasted blood and I want more. In the end - and end which is not out of sight - I believe we'll grow wings. We'll reach heights not even dwellers of the high road imagined ... and falling would not envelope our hearts in fear.
But the laughing pair would have to trust the lonely bleeding wolf. Asking for the easiest way would only keep the wolf a pet. The hard way - the bloody way - will find us wings.
The sugar high has worn off .... and I can feel my bruises now. Moments ago I was crazy, wild and free. Now I am battered, beaten and bleeding - and being asked to boldly break the barriers before us and I'm thinking "I barely have the will to even stand." But - Inspired - I don't care. My A.D.D. helps me make everything else dissapear. I fight ~ and my leash is not for me to pull them up; but for us all to pull ourselves up. It may just work ...
But I need sleep. I might just be insane.
~~ oh, and I can hear the eggs now .....
oh whatever! i started singing that song as soon as i read this entry!

I am SO glad that face doesn't have the same effect here. Here I am immune to your charms!!