Slept until 2pm - LONG overdue sleep!
So today I had made plans to go with my best friend, the Gothic Elf, and her friend (Doombird) to walk thru 2.5 miles of trail over 5 acres of corn. Sounds like fun! Actually - its an Amazing Maise Maze ... and it really is a lot of fun. The plan was to go at 9pm and do this in the moonlight ~
However, distracted by a certain Fire Faery, I found myself cutting it VERY close on time. I had to leave my home and drive 40 minutes to pick up Gothic Elf. Then I had to drive an additional 25 minutes to grab Doombird. It was about an hours drive from Doombird's apartment to where the maze is ... we arrived JUST at 9:04 (and according to, they stop selling tickets at 9pm) ~ but we got in and all was peachy.
I was a little dissapointed because it was just the 3 of us. Part of the fun is compeating with another team within the maze and we sure as hell were not going to split up. (There was only 1 flashlight between us and Doombird was the keeper of The Playful Pixies cookies .... which fueled us in the cold cold night). Lucky for me, we encountered a co-worker before entering the maze - and in my head, that was enough to call "compitition" and give us a reason to WIN!
Fourty-Five minutes later we exited the maze. For about 30 minutes we wandered impulsivly ... but after finding ourselves back at the entrance, my friends turned to me and said "You lead." Armed with a known-to-work method, I twisted my way around the corn field mechanically. Despite people jumping out of the corn every 3rd minute bent on scaring us (Happy Halloween all~), I kept moving and saying "Stick to the method!!" Before the end of it, we called our team THE METHOD.
While crossing Victory Bridge to exit the maze and find our way to the gift-shop, we flirted with the guy holding the microphone so we could use it. He asked, into the mic "So THE METHOD, what is it that you wanted to say to Molly, who is still in the maze?" The Gothic Elf shouted a loud "HA HA!" into the mic and we ran off laughing.
Gift shop ~ for food (Kettle Corn! Fudge! Kettle Corn!!), Halloween toys, and a gift for Fire Faery next time I see her. Then we started the treck back to Doombird's place.
I'd never seen Doombird's apartment ` she was anxious to show me. After a 30 second tour she took me to the roof. From up there we made jokes of falling - throwing things - and then watched as a drug deal took place below us and spoke of getting ourselves shot and how I'd explain that the next day. Farewell to Doombird.
Drove The Gothic Elf back to her parent's home (which is where she had parked her car). During the drive I ached with a burning question which I had been keeping to myself for the last - oh - 18 months or so. I never asked, because I always assumed the answer. I finally decided it was no longer fitting to assume I know something ~ and so, when we got to her car, I confessed that I had a question to ask which I was embarrassed to ask .... but I wanted to know the truthful answer and could not assume things anymore.
The answer was just as I had assumed it. However, she felt the need to explain to me WHY. I told her she didn't have to ~ but she struggled through words and even tears brought on from frustration when she couldn't find the words ... and eventually I put the words in her mouth for her. The reasoning was not what I had assumed. Even though the answer had not changed, driving home I felt a little better because the reason behind her answer was kinder and more hopeful than the one I'd led myself to believe for the last year and a half.
Tonight the drive home was much like my head of late .... clear, calm, peaceful but with loud music (Linkin Park) ~ and then a sudden wall of fog so thick it was easier to drive without any headlights at all. Enter - then exit patches of haze, each lasting longer then the last - until I find my way home. Home - in the white air so thick I can't see my hand in front of me ... but when I look up I can still see the stars against the black velvet sky and a bright white moon giving me light.
So today I had made plans to go with my best friend, the Gothic Elf, and her friend (Doombird) to walk thru 2.5 miles of trail over 5 acres of corn. Sounds like fun! Actually - its an Amazing Maise Maze ... and it really is a lot of fun. The plan was to go at 9pm and do this in the moonlight ~
However, distracted by a certain Fire Faery, I found myself cutting it VERY close on time. I had to leave my home and drive 40 minutes to pick up Gothic Elf. Then I had to drive an additional 25 minutes to grab Doombird. It was about an hours drive from Doombird's apartment to where the maze is ... we arrived JUST at 9:04 (and according to, they stop selling tickets at 9pm) ~ but we got in and all was peachy.
I was a little dissapointed because it was just the 3 of us. Part of the fun is compeating with another team within the maze and we sure as hell were not going to split up. (There was only 1 flashlight between us and Doombird was the keeper of The Playful Pixies cookies .... which fueled us in the cold cold night). Lucky for me, we encountered a co-worker before entering the maze - and in my head, that was enough to call "compitition" and give us a reason to WIN!
Fourty-Five minutes later we exited the maze. For about 30 minutes we wandered impulsivly ... but after finding ourselves back at the entrance, my friends turned to me and said "You lead." Armed with a known-to-work method, I twisted my way around the corn field mechanically. Despite people jumping out of the corn every 3rd minute bent on scaring us (Happy Halloween all~), I kept moving and saying "Stick to the method!!" Before the end of it, we called our team THE METHOD.
While crossing Victory Bridge to exit the maze and find our way to the gift-shop, we flirted with the guy holding the microphone so we could use it. He asked, into the mic "So THE METHOD, what is it that you wanted to say to Molly, who is still in the maze?" The Gothic Elf shouted a loud "HA HA!" into the mic and we ran off laughing.
Gift shop ~ for food (Kettle Corn! Fudge! Kettle Corn!!), Halloween toys, and a gift for Fire Faery next time I see her. Then we started the treck back to Doombird's place.
I'd never seen Doombird's apartment ` she was anxious to show me. After a 30 second tour she took me to the roof. From up there we made jokes of falling - throwing things - and then watched as a drug deal took place below us and spoke of getting ourselves shot and how I'd explain that the next day. Farewell to Doombird.
Drove The Gothic Elf back to her parent's home (which is where she had parked her car). During the drive I ached with a burning question which I had been keeping to myself for the last - oh - 18 months or so. I never asked, because I always assumed the answer. I finally decided it was no longer fitting to assume I know something ~ and so, when we got to her car, I confessed that I had a question to ask which I was embarrassed to ask .... but I wanted to know the truthful answer and could not assume things anymore.
The answer was just as I had assumed it. However, she felt the need to explain to me WHY. I told her she didn't have to ~ but she struggled through words and even tears brought on from frustration when she couldn't find the words ... and eventually I put the words in her mouth for her. The reasoning was not what I had assumed. Even though the answer had not changed, driving home I felt a little better because the reason behind her answer was kinder and more hopeful than the one I'd led myself to believe for the last year and a half.
Tonight the drive home was much like my head of late .... clear, calm, peaceful but with loud music (Linkin Park) ~ and then a sudden wall of fog so thick it was easier to drive without any headlights at all. Enter - then exit patches of haze, each lasting longer then the last - until I find my way home. Home - in the white air so thick I can't see my hand in front of me ... but when I look up I can still see the stars against the black velvet sky and a bright white moon giving me light.
but your past has been clouded.
That doesn't mean I have no past - it just means I cannot see it ~ so it has no bearing on where I am right now.