From where I left off:
Food was GREAT!! Friday eve we went to "The Land" where Fae's 'Ma' and her hubby 'Mister' were on their 4th day roughing it and trying to kill dinner. I know our company was the hylight of Ma's day .... especially since we brought raviolli. It may have been Mister's hylight too unless he got a deer after we left (which I doubt).
By-the-way ... Zen beat Fae at cribbage 4 games to 1. Since I wasn't participating (and beginning to not feel so hot), I was about ready to kill Fae when she delt for a 5th game with it was already obvious Zen was the winner 3 to 1. I knew it was going to be a long drive home and the too-hot then too-cold trailer habitated by a chain-smoker was not helping my aching head.
ANYWAY - long drive home ... very fun conversations. I made then stop before we got home so I could pee (No way I was going in the woods. I'm an outdoors-y type person when situation calls for it -- but not when everyone knew thats what I was doing out there.)
I know - too much information, right?
SO - Home. more playful conversation and silliness. Despite the great time we were having, my head was getting the better of me. Attempting to focus short-range made the room spin and I just wanted to pass out.
Monday Morning ~
Can you say

` As I drove Fae to work she asked me what she could do to help me. I said "Be with me." (Thats depression talking, but sometimes people have a right to be a little selfish.)

Fae didn't just come home for me. Well - she did, but then she napped. And, it turns out, she needed the nap. Her throat was sore and she was sporting a fever herself which developed after mine had. We were both offically sick ---- I blame the boy!
TUESDAY (so far) ...
Fae and I both woke up sick ... but speaking for myself, less depressed than yesterday and subsiquently more apt to deal with it and work despite ailment. When I went to work ---- well I was punished for calling in sick.
There were 2 orders from the day before not yet touched, let alone put away. I was scheduled to deal with the order due to come in today. (yippee! 3x the workload!). I work in a pharmacy .... there were 128 unfilled prescriptions from the night before and 24 scripts not yet even entered in the computer. It was almost as if the crew the night before were struggling all evening and at 9:00 cut out ASAP without a glance back. The trash still needed to be taken care of, the printers were stuck in jammed mode. It was UGLY! It wasn't until 11:30 that we were even able to begin working on TODAY's scripts.
I did the order as brilliantly as ever .... constantly being interupted by co-workers saying "You don't look so good. Do you need to take a break? OMG your face is so pale! OMSJ now you're flushed!! Are you sure you can make it?" Well ... at least I could tell how well the Acetaminophen was working.
I can't complain - however. While the day started shitty (and when I left people were saying it was still) ... I personally believe we did very well with what we had and got ourselves to a very respectable point before I had left. One co-worker who was scheduled 12:30 to 9pm was called in to start at 9:00 to help us get caught up. We were very grateful for her help ... and she has my deepest condolances. At about 10:15 she recieved a phone call. Her grandmother had passed away. She had to bolt ASAP and drive 5 hours "home". My co-workers spent hours trying to find cover for her lost long shift ...... but it did put some perspective on me working sick (which I never once complained about except here on SG) ... and how I would have reacted if I got the same phone call. I'm almost comfident that I'd finish my shift ~ but I suppose that would depend on my family's reaction. I don't hold anything agaist my co-worker for leaving as quickly as she did. In fact, I'm suprised she even had the patience to hang up the phone properly.
ANYWAY - tangent.
Now I am here - passing the time before I get Fae. She had a long shift today and I know she's feeling like shit. I plan to grab her, feed her, and get to bed early. Rest could do us good.
- T.C.D.
Hey Spot! TAG!!! You're It!
