Sorry about the delay posting ... I must have hit my head too hard.
LONG story - short ~
Things happened.
LITTLE bit longer ~
I am working at a new store. The company hopes I see it as a promotion because they've moved me to a higher volume store with a greater likelyhood for real promotions. I don't. I see it as a move to a store much further from home which is better suited to my pace of working since I am origionally from the single highest volume store in the chain. At this point I am watching the job postings and waiting for my lease to run out.
... I'm sorry, what was I saying? (I just got one of those mood-chainging / life-chainging kisses from my Fae).
SO ~
There is a visitor here ... in my kitchen / living room ... making tonight's meal. Later he and Fae will play cards. Each is confident they will kick the ass of the other. I'm content sitting back and watching
I'd encourage anyone reading my journal to keep a watch on RedFireFaery's journal. She posts more often and, as you are probably very well aware ... experiences many of the same things I do. I always like seeing one event from 2 different perspectives. Example:
Overall I would say it was "Worth it." The show itself was worth what I gave up inorder to see it. The girls - their show ...
The price I paid ... well admission was covered by my guest now suffering from allergies (why is everone I'd want over allergic to cats?). However we arrived at 10:00 because it was scheduled to start at 11:00 and ... well ... we really wanted in. At 12:15 they finally opened the doors to the line of people reaching further than I could see from my point in line (the very front). Its not as if they acomplished much in that hour and 15 minutes of stalling ... because 15 minutes after we were allowed inside the building - the opening band BEGAN their sound check.
Some background: I've worked with theaters. I know lighting and I know sound. I know stage - backstage and on. I know that as an audio director you NEVER trust the preformers to tell you when its good ... because they don't hear what the paying customers hear. You got to know what your doing and you have to get the preformers to trust that you are making them sound as if they have no flaws. The audio guy (whom I did not see) did not do the kick-ass job that an SG show deserves. Thats just my opinion.
Anyway - sound check over. Music too hot, vocals drown out ~ like most concerts intended for people who care about the room vibrating more than lyrics. While the band was unique and even interesting ... 3 hours after I had arrived to see the girls I was viewing what was on the stage to just be another form of stalling. Despite the noise, I was alseep on my feet and about reasdy to say "I give up, lets go". a 10 hour work day (all on my feet) followed by this ... I just was not in the mood for the smell of stale beer in a place with no seating and no respect for the fact that we all paid to get in.
Then the girls began their show. Despite my aching back and knees ... and that up until this moment my only saving grace was that I was close enough to lean on the stage ... the girls ` were worth it.
Yeah - they were worth it.
Afterwards we three were rushed out with everyone else ... with barely a moment to look at the SG merchandise. Its sad really ... rumor has it that the girls were just as uncomfortable and unhappy with the establishment hosting their show as I was ... and so now at 4am, with the show over ... everyone was anxious to end the day. Around Buffalo ... even the bars are closed at 4am.
Home. Bed. Sleep.
Woke late Saturday morning .... went to the store ... got food and cash ... then went to Niagra Falls.
We explored the falls the way they're ment to be explored .... off the paved areas. I put my feet in the water about 40 meters from where the water was going to fall over the edge. Yes - we were at the top of the falls the entire time. It was great fun ... but because of the energy of the falls ... the moment we all got home, everyone needed a nap. The day grew colder and we grew lazier ~ and that was ok with us. This time we went to bed before midnight.
And now here we are. Lazy start to a day. Fae made us breakfast and our guest is making his italian meal (which suits me just fine) ... and I just want to be lazy today. Tomorrow ... work begins again and the weekend becomes a memory.
LONG story - short ~
Things happened.
LITTLE bit longer ~
I am working at a new store. The company hopes I see it as a promotion because they've moved me to a higher volume store with a greater likelyhood for real promotions. I don't. I see it as a move to a store much further from home which is better suited to my pace of working since I am origionally from the single highest volume store in the chain. At this point I am watching the job postings and waiting for my lease to run out.
... I'm sorry, what was I saying? (I just got one of those mood-chainging / life-chainging kisses from my Fae).
SO ~
There is a visitor here ... in my kitchen / living room ... making tonight's meal. Later he and Fae will play cards. Each is confident they will kick the ass of the other. I'm content sitting back and watching

I'd encourage anyone reading my journal to keep a watch on RedFireFaery's journal. She posts more often and, as you are probably very well aware ... experiences many of the same things I do. I always like seeing one event from 2 different perspectives. Example:
Overall I would say it was "Worth it." The show itself was worth what I gave up inorder to see it. The girls - their show ...

The price I paid ... well admission was covered by my guest now suffering from allergies (why is everone I'd want over allergic to cats?). However we arrived at 10:00 because it was scheduled to start at 11:00 and ... well ... we really wanted in. At 12:15 they finally opened the doors to the line of people reaching further than I could see from my point in line (the very front). Its not as if they acomplished much in that hour and 15 minutes of stalling ... because 15 minutes after we were allowed inside the building - the opening band BEGAN their sound check.
Some background: I've worked with theaters. I know lighting and I know sound. I know stage - backstage and on. I know that as an audio director you NEVER trust the preformers to tell you when its good ... because they don't hear what the paying customers hear. You got to know what your doing and you have to get the preformers to trust that you are making them sound as if they have no flaws. The audio guy (whom I did not see) did not do the kick-ass job that an SG show deserves. Thats just my opinion.
Anyway - sound check over. Music too hot, vocals drown out ~ like most concerts intended for people who care about the room vibrating more than lyrics. While the band was unique and even interesting ... 3 hours after I had arrived to see the girls I was viewing what was on the stage to just be another form of stalling. Despite the noise, I was alseep on my feet and about reasdy to say "I give up, lets go". a 10 hour work day (all on my feet) followed by this ... I just was not in the mood for the smell of stale beer in a place with no seating and no respect for the fact that we all paid to get in.
Then the girls began their show. Despite my aching back and knees ... and that up until this moment my only saving grace was that I was close enough to lean on the stage ... the girls ` were worth it.
Yeah - they were worth it.
Afterwards we three were rushed out with everyone else ... with barely a moment to look at the SG merchandise. Its sad really ... rumor has it that the girls were just as uncomfortable and unhappy with the establishment hosting their show as I was ... and so now at 4am, with the show over ... everyone was anxious to end the day. Around Buffalo ... even the bars are closed at 4am.
Home. Bed. Sleep.
Woke late Saturday morning .... went to the store ... got food and cash ... then went to Niagra Falls.
We explored the falls the way they're ment to be explored .... off the paved areas. I put my feet in the water about 40 meters from where the water was going to fall over the edge. Yes - we were at the top of the falls the entire time. It was great fun ... but because of the energy of the falls ... the moment we all got home, everyone needed a nap. The day grew colder and we grew lazier ~ and that was ok with us. This time we went to bed before midnight.
And now here we are. Lazy start to a day. Fae made us breakfast and our guest is making his italian meal (which suits me just fine) ... and I just want to be lazy today. Tomorrow ... work begins again and the weekend becomes a memory.

I like your take on things quite a bit. I've a feeling you and I might see things more similarly than differently. Yup! I hope your guest is minding his potty manners. ;o) Say, how did that dinner turn out?