mer its been while since ive been around im uber tired of being so lazy...
i need to get another shoot in gear, a job, and mer food im hungry...
today was cool got some much needed painting and cleaning in... im super
excited about tomorrow dave should be home.. smile
and i might have a job soon yeah.....................................
pray for me.. hehe
yes yes yes my set just went up on hopefuls oh goodness im excited about this one. it was great
now im just here eating some pasta ahhhh yummy well thanks for all the good feedback its great
to know there are people out there that appreciate the natural look smile
The best set of pics ever period thx smile
love it! love
Hum it been days since i have logged on sadness.
I haven't really been out and about but i have been
thinking of some new ideas for a few sets my next
one will be up in February and i am elated hoping
to get some good feed back on this one.
ah what a life. working on some art and
god how lazy how...
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I loved your set. You are gorgeous!
Today got a message from that guy i can never get off my mind.
that bearded hobo is never far from my thoughts...
what a day chilled with my big bro went to the mall.
got some chocolate...... loving danger doom right now
and i cant wait to get some vegan lasagna. and to cuddle with
the man of my day dreams..
lets see what...
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haha no,unfortunately. i ended cutting my hair really short. also i don't think i could have them where i work.
had an amazing day photo shoot, yummy food, and good people. This set should be up for review soon I'm excited. Well ttfn. Spooof
oooh, yummy food+ good people = best combination! only music missing and then we have it done!

the other lady is Unida, one of my best friends, if you liked her dreads, you should check the rest of her! love smile

good luck with your set kiss
so so so excited that my set iS up. New day new tomorrow home
Is nice to be home well off I go y'all have a good one.

So i headed to austin, Tx last wednesday to chill with my fav chick in the world
and to get away from the everyday rustics of corpus and to meet new exciting people
and eat yummy yummy vegan food.... so i love it so far and i cant cant cant wait to move up here
mountains, hills, cute boys and music that is my idea...
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Forgot to mention the new set! biggrin
Real nice one tooo sweetie. love love
Have a very nice tofurky day. kiss kiss