Well hello everyone
First off things have been simply a weird funk in my world lately. I graduated college...huge accomplishment... and am fortunate to have a good paying job with some serious goodness and something I can build a future on...something most of my fellow graduates are lacking right now
. Though I also am loosing a constant in my life. As hard as it was I could always count on school to give me something to do, somewhere to meet new people, and a steady job. Now it feels I have to make up things for myself to do, though my new responsibilities at work have been keeping me occupied. I now get to do finance spread sheets daily, which I strangely kinda enjoy doing. I'm weird I know but organizing and getting to be OCD really relaxes and calms me down.
In other news I think I am slowly becoming asexual
I don't like it but I'm getting over the whole friends with benefits thing, and I don't really feel the dating scene. The last dude crushed me pretty good. I'm slowly loosing all hope in humanity and become a full blown Nihilist. The world is a cruel harsh place and needs nice people like me to swallow up so it has something to do, and frankly I'm sick of it. I figure if stop letting people in I can't get hurt. A sad story but it's how life is for me at the present moment.
I still got my bestie though she is away in Cali for the next 2 weeks
Most people think we are a lesbo couple because we aren't your average women...we are real drama free sweet ass bitches that any man should love and desire to hang with. (but we arent "that type" of friends
We recently went hiking and antiquing...sooo much fun

The sweet couch from the antique store I'm getting for my new apt.

The mini bar I wrote about in my last blog that I painted...still need the liquor though


In other news....
I have been really into my boobs lately and took a few pics for you all the enjoy them as well

They looked really good in my dress at work today

I love fruit

One final pic to end my blogging

Good night lovelies
ps any ladies know any good sites for 40's and 50's style lingerie I love those styles but can't find em anywhere
If you help me find some good stuff I promise I'll post pics of me modeling the product

First off things have been simply a weird funk in my world lately. I graduated college...huge accomplishment... and am fortunate to have a good paying job with some serious goodness and something I can build a future on...something most of my fellow graduates are lacking right now

In other news I think I am slowly becoming asexual

I still got my bestie though she is away in Cali for the next 2 weeks

We recently went hiking and antiquing...sooo much fun

The sweet couch from the antique store I'm getting for my new apt.

The mini bar I wrote about in my last blog that I painted...still need the liquor though


In other news....
I have been really into my boobs lately and took a few pics for you all the enjoy them as well

They looked really good in my dress at work today

I love fruit

One final pic to end my blogging

Good night lovelies

ps any ladies know any good sites for 40's and 50's style lingerie I love those styles but can't find em anywhere
