Thanks for the wanderlust-inducing blog homework, @missy and @rambo! Here's a photo of me in one of my favorite places I've ever traveled to, Amsterdam! Here are my favorite tips I've learned.
1. Research ahead of time and have some ideas about places you'd like to see, shows you want to catch, and of course, places you want to eat at! If you know a local, ask them! And if you don't, make friends with some when you arrive and ask them what you just can't miss. If you set yourself up with a super strict itinerary you're going to get stressed out because things ALWAYS come up when you're traveling, but it's good to have an idea of your "can't miss" things!
2. Pay for international phone data, or some kind of plan. I remember getting completely lost in Stockholm and realizing I had no way to contact anybody! It turned into a really fun adventure, but it very easily could have been nothing but a headache, or even scary! Most phone providers can get you set up for not a lot of extra money, and there a couple ways you can do it. International SIM cards, plans, etc. Look into it! Worth it. That being said, don't be one of those people spending your traveling face down in your phone, either. Turn it off, unplug, enjoy what's around you!
3. Either pack a pair of super nice hiking shoes or pack shoes you don't care about. I ended up throwing away two pairs of sneakers when I was traveling in Europe. They got super gross, and I needed to drop the weight for my luggage anyway! Which reminds me...
4. If you're planning on doing some shopping wherever you're going, bring one of those portable luggage weights (or borrow your friends). Nothing is worse than standing in the airport trying to stuff your things into another persons suitcase so you don't have to pay any crazy fees! Also, you can pack lightly in a large, light suitcase so you've got space to fit your souvenirs and goodies into!
5. Don't just stick with what you know. I remember friends wanting to get McDonalds in London. It blew my mind, we were surrounded by amazing restaurants! You're already in a new place, why not embrace the unknown and try all sorts of new things?
Happy travels 😎