I don't make resolutions typically, but this year I decided to set a couple of goals for myself- why not? 2018 is the year I'm going to go from SG Member to Hopeful, and who knows- maybe even SG? I want to dedicate more time to all my creative endeavors- my art, my writing, my modeling. Being creative is when I'm at my happiest and most fulfilled.
This is going to be a big year for me, I'm leaving my job and moving the farthest away from home I've ever been. It will be a big year of change, but it's welcome change. I'm nervous but so excited! There are nothing but possibilities in front of me. @missy @rambo
I can definitely see you as a Suicide Girl by the end of the year 😃 I know how you're feeling about moving. I was nervous and excited when I moved to LA last year and this February will be one year living on my own. Best wishes on your move and everything else you got planned this year. I'm confident you'll accomplish your goals 😊 Here's to a great year! Great seeing you again ❤️ :)
good luck with that I bet you make it. you are very cute and you looked super hot and sexy in the bra and panty pic you had so ....