Where do I go from here?
Holy smokes I have been busy! I just returned from Vancouver where I did a set visit for Diablo Cody's next film Jennifer's Body. The east coast guys (Rob G and John T) have been in and out of town, a whole crapload of screenings, prepped my pitch package for Cannes, prepping for some big BD news. Finished my taxes (yuck). Did the whole Fangoria Weekend of Horrors. Getting ready for tomorrows hopefully fun Saw 5 press junket. And getting ready for some pick up shots on a short film I am Associate Producing this weekend
Needless to say it's been a bit of a whirlwind the past few weeks. I DO apologize for not being around and not blogging as much as I should be. I get caught up in the world of horror, and can frequently be a lackluster friend to those of you that I want to spend time with, so please bear with my busy schedule for a bit, it should calm down in a few weeks.
An extra apology to my friend Kevin Klemm for not being around when I should have been.
In my blogs I occasionally like to talk about the future of horror, success and entrepreneur advice. Sometimes it feels like I should not be writing about "success" until I personally have found it. While my bank has not reaped the benefits of and such success, I personally have reached a few goals in the past weeks. Most importantly, many things have been going really well in ways of some of the outside projects I work on. All because of staying focused on a goal at hand. It all started with a shitty event, but sometimes it takes a kick in the ass to get you (me) motivated.
A few weeks back I was at a (Funny Games) press junket that changed my outlook on the world of the press. Without going into boring details, some of the other press people that I am colleagues with just don't have any people skills. Let me be clear on that, almost ALL of my horror colleagues are top notch people, people that I have in my life outside of work, and would like to be even more involved with on many levels, but certain journalists, who I cannot name (because I don't know their names), just make me ashamed to be part of the business. These unprofessional people ask stupid questions, repeat questions that have been answered, and just have no sense of how to look beyond the film at hand, while the rest of us try very hard to bring news and information to our readers. These supposed "journalist" idiots, coupled with the frustration of competition not getting along, have made me move into action.
Now the focus is on contribution to the genre and not just cheerleading it. My position at Bloody Disgusting is growing in new and fantastic ways that will certainly make me a more viable commodity within. At the same time being able to focus on the other projects has re-ignited my passion for filmmaking and the love that I have for it. The point is that when any person believes in what they do they can and will make a difference in whatever aspect they are trying to change. I believe that I have a few special things to offer the world, to make it a more entertaining place. Soon, and I mean VERY SOON, you will start to see these things happen.
I encourage you all to believe in whatever it is that you are passionate about and MAKE IT HAPPENby whatever means necessary! If that means writing your script that you have been putting off, or changing a business model to something that is not being serviced at the moment, DO IT. No more talk. I can honestly say that it is an important time in my life based on the fact that I am no longer willing to sit around and just talk. And with some focus things are stating to fall into place. The same thing can happen to you!
Holy smokes I have been busy! I just returned from Vancouver where I did a set visit for Diablo Cody's next film Jennifer's Body. The east coast guys (Rob G and John T) have been in and out of town, a whole crapload of screenings, prepped my pitch package for Cannes, prepping for some big BD news. Finished my taxes (yuck). Did the whole Fangoria Weekend of Horrors. Getting ready for tomorrows hopefully fun Saw 5 press junket. And getting ready for some pick up shots on a short film I am Associate Producing this weekend
Needless to say it's been a bit of a whirlwind the past few weeks. I DO apologize for not being around and not blogging as much as I should be. I get caught up in the world of horror, and can frequently be a lackluster friend to those of you that I want to spend time with, so please bear with my busy schedule for a bit, it should calm down in a few weeks.
An extra apology to my friend Kevin Klemm for not being around when I should have been.
In my blogs I occasionally like to talk about the future of horror, success and entrepreneur advice. Sometimes it feels like I should not be writing about "success" until I personally have found it. While my bank has not reaped the benefits of and such success, I personally have reached a few goals in the past weeks. Most importantly, many things have been going really well in ways of some of the outside projects I work on. All because of staying focused on a goal at hand. It all started with a shitty event, but sometimes it takes a kick in the ass to get you (me) motivated.
A few weeks back I was at a (Funny Games) press junket that changed my outlook on the world of the press. Without going into boring details, some of the other press people that I am colleagues with just don't have any people skills. Let me be clear on that, almost ALL of my horror colleagues are top notch people, people that I have in my life outside of work, and would like to be even more involved with on many levels, but certain journalists, who I cannot name (because I don't know their names), just make me ashamed to be part of the business. These unprofessional people ask stupid questions, repeat questions that have been answered, and just have no sense of how to look beyond the film at hand, while the rest of us try very hard to bring news and information to our readers. These supposed "journalist" idiots, coupled with the frustration of competition not getting along, have made me move into action.
Now the focus is on contribution to the genre and not just cheerleading it. My position at Bloody Disgusting is growing in new and fantastic ways that will certainly make me a more viable commodity within. At the same time being able to focus on the other projects has re-ignited my passion for filmmaking and the love that I have for it. The point is that when any person believes in what they do they can and will make a difference in whatever aspect they are trying to change. I believe that I have a few special things to offer the world, to make it a more entertaining place. Soon, and I mean VERY SOON, you will start to see these things happen.
I encourage you all to believe in whatever it is that you are passionate about and MAKE IT HAPPENby whatever means necessary! If that means writing your script that you have been putting off, or changing a business model to something that is not being serviced at the moment, DO IT. No more talk. I can honestly say that it is an important time in my life based on the fact that I am no longer willing to sit around and just talk. And with some focus things are stating to fall into place. The same thing can happen to you!