Well, exams are finally over. I sucked on all but one of them.
I don't want anything... i have no goals. I feel empty and shallow, as if i am floating along in life.
But i am alive, and there are definate bonuses to that. Food, movies and so on. And suicide girls of course.
I am watching the WRC Showdown DVD, fun stuff. Anyway one guy had to drive 20km with his bonnet flipped up against his windscreen... ie driving almost blind, having only the pace notes and what he could see out of the corner of his windscreen. Madness!
I also watch the Cabin Fever DVD, which was an ok movie, better than average but not exactly great. What was awesome was the extras... Eli Roth is a funny guy... lots of cool stories.
i just switched rooms in the flat ... i am now in 'the happy room'. The wallpaper has fluffy clouds with many rainbows. Either i am going to be the most cheerful guy you will ever meet, or its going to drive me insane.
Anyone have any advice for finding 'a passion'? I'm so lost right now...
I don't want anything... i have no goals. I feel empty and shallow, as if i am floating along in life.
But i am alive, and there are definate bonuses to that. Food, movies and so on. And suicide girls of course.
I am watching the WRC Showdown DVD, fun stuff. Anyway one guy had to drive 20km with his bonnet flipped up against his windscreen... ie driving almost blind, having only the pace notes and what he could see out of the corner of his windscreen. Madness!
I also watch the Cabin Fever DVD, which was an ok movie, better than average but not exactly great. What was awesome was the extras... Eli Roth is a funny guy... lots of cool stories.
i just switched rooms in the flat ... i am now in 'the happy room'. The wallpaper has fluffy clouds with many rainbows. Either i am going to be the most cheerful guy you will ever meet, or its going to drive me insane.
Anyone have any advice for finding 'a passion'? I'm so lost right now...
...yeah i love horror movies accompanied by pot and beer and good friends to keep you sane, the only horror film that scares me alone is Texas Chainsaw Massacre, the original Tobe Hooper one....so atmopsheric and genuniely creepy.....great film...
...hmm as for finding 'a passion'....maybe think of something you are very passionate about...an art form that moves you to the outer-realms and gives you those brief glimpses of such unbridled inspiration that words cannott possible render.....and then think of a way to try and get back to that point of elation through your own form....wonder if i make sense???
...well hope the rainbows in your new room bring you gold pots of inspiration for finding your 'passion'
have a cool day..mmm Wellington in the summer...radness