Currently listening to:
Enemy- Hooray for Dark Matter/Autolux- Future perfect (and fucking loving it!)
Hi all!
Happy Fucking New Year!
I had a great Nye. I stayed in, sank some Corona's, watched me a movie and chilled the fuck out.
It became all the more enjoyable when baby_firefly informed me that there is a SG TOUR coming to our shores in a few months. We watched her copy of the dvd to celebrate and god damn am I excited!
Much more excited than when I sat through King Kong yesterday.
I really felt for that gorilla man. I didn't want to, but the 30 minute dragged out scenes of emotion on both Kong and Naomi Watts' faces sucked me right the fuck in. And you know I hated myself this morning. Overall it wasn't that bad though, just too darn long. If you've seen it, you'll know what I'm talking about.
So anyway, I don't realy do resolutions, because I'm not good at sticking to them, but one of my things I am trying to be better at is updating this page, and making time to get amongst it, so hopefully I'll be talking to alot of you a bit more throughout the year.
Anyone else got any new years resolutions? or do you not rate them?
Enemy- Hooray for Dark Matter/Autolux- Future perfect (and fucking loving it!)
Hi all!
Happy Fucking New Year!
I had a great Nye. I stayed in, sank some Corona's, watched me a movie and chilled the fuck out.
It became all the more enjoyable when baby_firefly informed me that there is a SG TOUR coming to our shores in a few months. We watched her copy of the dvd to celebrate and god damn am I excited!
Much more excited than when I sat through King Kong yesterday.
I really felt for that gorilla man. I didn't want to, but the 30 minute dragged out scenes of emotion on both Kong and Naomi Watts' faces sucked me right the fuck in. And you know I hated myself this morning. Overall it wasn't that bad though, just too darn long. If you've seen it, you'll know what I'm talking about.
So anyway, I don't realy do resolutions, because I'm not good at sticking to them, but one of my things I am trying to be better at is updating this page, and making time to get amongst it, so hopefully I'll be talking to alot of you a bit more throughout the year.
Anyone else got any new years resolutions? or do you not rate them?
Anyway just got back from catching Tim Rogers and Dallas Crane with Jibaili was good except for the arsehole bogan rock kids...
ah i am heading to meet up with my little sister in the uk in the last week of august and paris will most likely be the last destination for us as a group so i would say end of september or start of october as i want to go to the sculpture "the kiss" in the rodin museum been a favorite since highschool