grrr...i'm so sick
i hate being sick!! damn pink eye and sore throat and my ear hurts. i keep feeling like i'm about to pass out. i need to sleep, but no can do with the little guy here lol.
i had to actually break down and go to the ER today cause i can't take it anymore. i hate hospitals...the ppl there usually are mean and don't care, but surprisingly this time i got in and out in about 30 minutes and everyone was nice. maybie it was the mixture of me looking pathetic and one red eye and that i about coughed up a lung or two that did it lol.
so anyways i'm on these damn antibiotics that are so freakin huge lol that i choke every time i try to swallow one...
i just hope i'm not sick all weekend
also i'm so tired of certain ppl making me feel like i've done something wrong all the time by giving me dirty looks or the cold shoulder. i have done nothing wrong my friend and its only because you don't have the superiority that you once had before i moved up here. i'm just sick of feeling so awkward and uncomfortable around you and like no matter what i do i can't sqeeze into your tightly strung circle of ppl...
i can't wait till i move back to Ga even tho i hate it there and no place feels like home.
i'm done trying to prove myself to someone who i shouldn't have to and feel like i have to kiss your ass like everyone else does or you will flip out and make everyones life hell...
someday everyone has to grow up.
even if its just a little bit
oh and i would love to hhave a cello for christmas lol

i hate being sick!! damn pink eye and sore throat and my ear hurts. i keep feeling like i'm about to pass out. i need to sleep, but no can do with the little guy here lol.
i had to actually break down and go to the ER today cause i can't take it anymore. i hate hospitals...the ppl there usually are mean and don't care, but surprisingly this time i got in and out in about 30 minutes and everyone was nice. maybie it was the mixture of me looking pathetic and one red eye and that i about coughed up a lung or two that did it lol.
so anyways i'm on these damn antibiotics that are so freakin huge lol that i choke every time i try to swallow one...
i just hope i'm not sick all weekend

also i'm so tired of certain ppl making me feel like i've done something wrong all the time by giving me dirty looks or the cold shoulder. i have done nothing wrong my friend and its only because you don't have the superiority that you once had before i moved up here. i'm just sick of feeling so awkward and uncomfortable around you and like no matter what i do i can't sqeeze into your tightly strung circle of ppl...
i can't wait till i move back to Ga even tho i hate it there and no place feels like home.
i'm done trying to prove myself to someone who i shouldn't have to and feel like i have to kiss your ass like everyone else does or you will flip out and make everyones life hell...

someday everyone has to grow up.
even if its just a little bit
oh and i would love to hhave a cello for christmas lol
ahhh don't let them peoples get to you, they are in now way superior. just walk by with your head held high.
i love the cello. i hope you get one and rock out to it! mozart style!