i wish i could fly away to a place where no one could hurt me...
hey babe, net's finally back up.
drop a line and I'll also try to call later.
i flew to japan...its the same over here..
i'm sick damnit mad i hate being sick and this stupid weather grrr... fucking sinuses. there's this yummie viral meningitis going around right now ewww. i hope i don't have it... i popped a bunch of benedryl and motrin so now i'm stoned. i wanna sleep but i can't.
school was canceled today for richard because of the fog so its gonna be a long day...
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oh, yeah, and on my wishlist, it didn't save the link right, it came out to like 12-13,000 after everything was put on. so you better start shakin that money maker and bringin in tricks if i'm gonna pay for it! biggrin
oh, yeah, and on my wishlist, it didn't save the link right, it came out to like 12-13,000 after everything was put on. so you better start shakin that money maker and bringin in tricks if i'm gonna pay for it! biggrin
visiting georgia in 2 weeks. hope all goes well. i kinda can't wait to actually move back down just to get away from all my family (that may sound bad) but i have been living with family for about 9 months and i just don't really feel comfortable anywhere. i'm looking forward to living in my own place again where i can do what i...
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hey thatnks for the comment I really didnt think anyone read my journal. You dont have to be nice, I wouldnt do me I dont think I would be seen talkin to me.

Hey is Tanker your husband? or do you two just know eachother?
Hey! Im Back LoL.. been back for like over a week... and now i ive realized why i hated it.. NOTHING TO DO! Anyways... check my myspace out! Later!! *K
well once again i can't sleep....my eyes feel tired and yet i'm awake. i know why this is i think, but i dunno for sure...i have tried drinking and its not helping.
i know i feel like everyone else has something to do with their lives or they are headed that way except me.
i think i just need me a little hot sweaty raw...
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go get some then. biggrin
grrr!! bad fucking day...
today i just wanna hurt someone. i have very bloody gruesome images in my head right now. to those few ppl i hate i hope i don't see you today. or if your the person who has been breaking into my garage i would love for you to try it now mad mad
these fucking pills that are supposed to calm me down...
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Fuck them. You need to just ask them nicely if there's something that offends them, you're politeness will throw them off, because, i'm sure, they're probably nothing but snide little sad creatures that wish they had the freedom to openly express themselves like you do. They might not agree with the way that you do it, but their close mindedness is nothing but their weakness brought to the surface. They aren't strong enough to accept that which is foreign to them, or scares them. Fuck 'em i say, Fuck 'em! mad ARRR!!!
i'm going to my parents this weekend so i won't be on much. i'm happy i will be helping them out by getting them a new couch cause they have helped me out so much even when they had nothing. i'm glad to say that my dad is acting like my dad again and not some angery woman hater. i'm relieved that they are not...
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now, are you a fudge packer? or is that luggage your talking about?
and YOU m'lady, are ze dork. Whooopeeeee.
and if you need a spike, you're just gonna have to wait. I'll be home in a few months and give ya a spikin you'll never forget. (probably remember it forever for all the wrong reasons.Minute Men to the rescue)lol

well my little monster started preschool. the first day was hell, but he likes it now. he actually got mad at me this morning because he thought he was going to be late lol. i can say that i do enjoy the 3 hours of peace.
last night i was told how ugly my freckles make me...but what can i do. i guess i could...
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When you going down to GA? I was supposed to leave the 2nd.. but im not gonna be able to go till the 6th. bummer.. But 'shrugs' And My husband just got a mole from his neck removed.. he said it was painful. i durno.. dont have any. And Who said Freckles are ugly.. BAH At them. whatever. tongue And Nathan comes back.. Supposly the 27-29of January.. but you know the Army.. Specially Ft. Stewpid. Fucked up place... Anywho.. lemme know and I bet you are enjoyin' 3 hours to yourself.. i just wish i had kids.. 'sighs' but yea.. Blahness.. and He's a lil cutie btw! Take Care! *K
Who said your that bout your freckles? I'll bash'em. mad I like your frekles. and i'm gonna kiss every last one of them when i get home, right after i tie you up, and give you a good lashing , and... oh, uh, sry. Got carried away. yeah, well, um. I LOVE UR FRECKLES!!!! woo hoo.
today is such a horrible day already....i'm not even going to talk about it *stressed*
except that i have to go down to georgia to see if i can find a place to live. i'm freakin out about driving down by myself. i gotta go relieve some stress. i wish i could take my gun out back and fire at random targets, buuuuuuuut seeing as...
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you could always throw rocks at the neighborhood kidz. they're a bunch of little shits anyways. biggrin
my hair is red and black now...and its too short. =/ i wish extensions didn't kill your head or cost so damn much...grrr. bleh i keep thinkin about how i have nothing to do tommorow and i'm so bored already and my big bed looks so lonely...damn the army. i'm gonna go lay in bed and try to sleep or something
im going to savannah in october. will you be moved by them? mayhaps we could hang out.
I am all that is man! Check out my sexy man pics honey! I'm such a goobertastic studmuffin. And all parts of this sex machine are edible baby. OH YEAH!!
had to go see my therapist today...bleh. i have an old lady and i feel weird talking to her about the things i have done. i could just see her jaw drop and start stuttering. well she got to listen to me ramble for an hour. i think i just keep hopein that they will give me zanax. i don't think they will =( she...
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went out last night and finally got to see almost human play and omg they fucking kick ass. the lead singers voice makes me wet. i had so much fun i even got up on stage and put on a plastic pig nose and got to be the slutty pig nosed dancer gurl and sing with the drummer. i skipped the wet t-shirt contest .....my...
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welcome to sgsavannah! biggrin