i guess i could actually update, couldnt I? well. monday i was offered a new job. I took it. Found
out my car was going to cost more money to fix because of another problem. very unhappy about
that. as usual im having a few financial problems because i like to blow my money on people and
things. really i just dont understand the concept of saving... in case i need it later. which i normally
do. erm... went to work and turned in my two weeks notice. tuesday i went to take a pee test ::sigh::
those people are terrible. heh, they yelled at me because i couldnt pee. and they were talking about
other patients files out loud and... my mom works for a hospital... so... she called to talk to a
manager and tell them what was going on. It ends up that the patient they were talking about was
the manager's daughter in law. so. ouch. it was really rude things... like... the girl was in for a
lupus screen because she has had many consecutive miscarriages. and the people working there
were saying that maybe she was causing them herself. grrr. patient confidentiality? whats that?
but yeah... i did end up being able to go before we left... so hopefully everything goes okay
with that. i havent gotten a phone call yet. and no news is good news. when i went into work tuesday
i had a meeting with the general manager and he said they were going to go ahead and speed
up my two weeks. im not surprised. they're notorious for doing that to people who turn in their two
weeks notice. and really, i havent had much work at all for a week or so and they're doing away with
my department all together later this summer. having my whole day open seemed kind of
frustrating the first day but now it seems really comfortable. i can sit down and work on something
and get it all done at that time. it's nice. i'm trying not to worry about my bills and everything.
im leaving for the lake tomorrow. i'm only going to be out there until sunday and i'll be sleeping
on someone's floor but i really like being outside. swimming. fishing. good relaxing weekend.
steve can't go. im probably more bummed about that than i should be... but.. we havent spent
much time together at all lately. he went out of town one weekend and my car still needed fixed
last weekend... so... i saw him for a little bit. but. i dont know. maybe im being clingy. im not sure.
i forgot to mention that my car ended up being cheaper because one of the parts was included
with the clutch kit. so. some relief there. now i can pay my rent! woohoo! thats most of the news
though. i started hanging out with people again. i didnt really mean to stop in the first place. *shrugs*
not completely sure what im doing on the fourth yet. i have plans... but.. we'll see.
new pictures! (and new hair! compliments of cherisse, of course.)

i guess i could actually update, couldnt I? well. monday i was offered a new job. I took it. Found
out my car was going to cost more money to fix because of another problem. very unhappy about
that. as usual im having a few financial problems because i like to blow my money on people and
things. really i just dont understand the concept of saving... in case i need it later. which i normally
do. erm... went to work and turned in my two weeks notice. tuesday i went to take a pee test ::sigh::
those people are terrible. heh, they yelled at me because i couldnt pee. and they were talking about
other patients files out loud and... my mom works for a hospital... so... she called to talk to a
manager and tell them what was going on. It ends up that the patient they were talking about was
the manager's daughter in law. so. ouch. it was really rude things... like... the girl was in for a
lupus screen because she has had many consecutive miscarriages. and the people working there
were saying that maybe she was causing them herself. grrr. patient confidentiality? whats that?
but yeah... i did end up being able to go before we left... so hopefully everything goes okay
with that. i havent gotten a phone call yet. and no news is good news. when i went into work tuesday
i had a meeting with the general manager and he said they were going to go ahead and speed
up my two weeks. im not surprised. they're notorious for doing that to people who turn in their two
weeks notice. and really, i havent had much work at all for a week or so and they're doing away with
my department all together later this summer. having my whole day open seemed kind of
frustrating the first day but now it seems really comfortable. i can sit down and work on something
and get it all done at that time. it's nice. i'm trying not to worry about my bills and everything.
im leaving for the lake tomorrow. i'm only going to be out there until sunday and i'll be sleeping
on someone's floor but i really like being outside. swimming. fishing. good relaxing weekend.
steve can't go. im probably more bummed about that than i should be... but.. we havent spent
much time together at all lately. he went out of town one weekend and my car still needed fixed
last weekend... so... i saw him for a little bit. but. i dont know. maybe im being clingy. im not sure.
i forgot to mention that my car ended up being cheaper because one of the parts was included
with the clutch kit. so. some relief there. now i can pay my rent! woohoo! thats most of the news
though. i started hanging out with people again. i didnt really mean to stop in the first place. *shrugs*
not completely sure what im doing on the fourth yet. i have plans... but.. we'll see.
new pictures! (and new hair! compliments of cherisse, of course.)

Mrwahaha. Found you I found you.

Remind me never to go for a lupus screen.