been a while. but im still around... still having nice rocky relationship drama. after a while you start to wonder if maybe its always there for you... youre just creating it yourself? or yea... i just chose bad people and try to take care of them. heh. im silly. hey but maybe that means ill be a good mom? with... drug addicted children... or... something. yea. anyways. spring break next week. should be pretty good. getting *lots* of sleep and hopefully lots of things done that ive been putting off just because i dont have any sort of free time aside from the weekends. and then id rather be doing something else... my birthday is tomorrow. im kinda bummed about it because my sister's been out of town... and we just found out shes pregnant a little before she left... and i dunno. i miss her a lot. and shes not coming home for another two weeks now. and i just dont really have any plans... at all. ::shrugs:: im sure it'll be fine though.
Go out get drunk , get laid and have a rocking good time