yea, im being pretty mopey.
but im allowed to because umm... im tired. <3 things are going well with the new boy... im just dumb... and overly sensitive... a lot... hehe. i would probably get better about that if i would go to sleep at night and not have to get up at 7am to get learned. (college). but who sleeps when theres lovely suicide girls pics to go through. my dear friend cherisse is about to pop a kid out.
im getting so excited. shes due in about a week. wooo!!! theres something to be less mopey about. she probably doesnt think so, though. heh. oh well. time to suck it up.

There are lots and lots of loverly suicide girl pics to look at

tell her not to look at it too closely before it's cleaned up or she'll think she delivered a load of phlegm. i wish someone had told me that a week before.