i'm sick and fucking tired of people who can't hear out anything i say until i apologize to THEM first since they are always right and the victim. this week is becoming so fucking stupid, so fucking fast b/c of ONE GOD DAMN THING. did i get an apology for a perceived insult? no. how about the second dragged out percieved insult? nope, not that one either. did I have to apologize? of course! b/c i am "biting people's head's off over something that was cleared up". cleared up for who? sure as hell not me. and of course i'm the bitch for feeling insulted and trying to defend myself. of course! b/c its so easy to see a really bad joke for a joke with absolutely zero signs that it IS a joke. no smile, no laugh, no punch in the arm, no obvious tone of the voice. just a mumbled out, dead pan joke that was told to me while drunk.
i'm sick of this. if this keeps up i will be quite happy moving back to la. for god's fucking sake. i'll learn to take jokes better if they are told better. and now that ANOTHER fucking day is screwed up for me because of this FUCKING STUPID argument, i'm going to go get ready for work. of course this won't be the end of it at all. jesus.
i'm sick of this. if this keeps up i will be quite happy moving back to la. for god's fucking sake. i'll learn to take jokes better if they are told better. and now that ANOTHER fucking day is screwed up for me because of this FUCKING STUPID argument, i'm going to go get ready for work. of course this won't be the end of it at all. jesus.

Though starfish6 has a point there. You're going to have to learn about being passive-aggressive.
The nest has grown. Seriously, they're like aliens.