Well I almost got fired the other day for having my friend in at work while i was working...which for some gay reason isnt allowed(even if she was gonna buy anything) So yeah I REALLY need a new job now...Im gonna start looking soon...I swear...If i can get my fat cow ass out of bed before 4 in the afternoon. I think I am really...
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Happy birthday
Happy B-day

OK...heres the deal.....I HATE my job and Im trying to find a new one....anyone know of any place that is hiring? I dont want to work in a restaurant again but it would probly still be better than my current job...so Im not going to be picky. But yeah My boss is always a bitch and there are 2 co-workers that are genuinly PISSING ME...
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You should look for a steady office job. The hours are great, the pay is more and you get benefits.
It will slowly suck your soul out of your ass though.
It will slowly suck your soul out of your ass though.
I had to work the morning of the 26th...and I barely had any sleep and then I had to come home....clean my room so that my mom would let me drive MY car out to my soccer game....the drive out there went great....only killed it one time....which sucks because my mom wont let me listen to the stereo in my car while im am driving...
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dude i work three jobs and go to school... it takes me a while. i still haven't got all my prom pics up yet... and that was TWO weeks ago.
This is random, but: You have my birthday!!! Found your link through molonel -> missa d., and saw that your b-day is june 25th too.
Rock on!
Rock on!
Was a great day/night today/tonight was!!!! For those of you who were there....it was great meeting you and for those who weren't....
Im sorry for whatever kept you from coming to this fantastic evening!!!!

mmm... beer... enjoy being under 21 while it lasts. You have a whole life of drinking too much and waking up in funny/stinky places ahead of you.

sorry i didn't introduce myself... i didn't recognize you.... oops.
Well My job still sucks, but my stick shift driving is really coming along....I should be able to get my license in no time...
So yeah...thats about it...Go away you....quit reading this next stuff is for my own use only so go away....n/m you're just going to read anyway

I got my car today
....I'm really happy....too bad I can't drive it yet...I need to get my damn license and learn how to drive a friggin stick...I feel like a loser cause my Dad is going to take me to drive when he wakes up so I was in my car listening to the stereo cause that's all I can friggin do...It sounded great...
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I'm not crazy enough to do any stunts like the cky guys, but i will sit back and watch other people do them haha.
Good luck learning how to drive and all that. I love driving.
Good luck learning how to drive and all that. I love driving.
it is offcentre because SG cuts of half the picture to fit it in my journal, thanks for the comment though.
good luck getting your licence
good luck getting your licence

My job sucks and i need a new one and i need to get out of the house and actually do something......so I'm like really excited for the may 23rd SGPDX BBQ. I really hope i can sumhow get the whole day off of wrok rather than just part of it.....oh and I'm getting my car this weekend.
I am so excited. It also sounds...
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My CKY group was just created....if anyone wants in let me know! Well im hung-over from yesterdays(21st) "session." I had smoked some weed then drank then smoked more than drank more....took a fat ass chunk out of the alcohol supply.
I need to get rid of all this before my parents get back on Sat.
Wish me luck!
So in the words of Vash the...
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So in the words of Vash the...
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That's "woUld" & and do I have to do shit with the 'group?'
Hey there. Just got the friend request. Hi friend. I've been slow on making them on here myself..
Unlucky Seven
*-The Sins Of The 'Innocent' Pray On The True-*
Unlucky Seven
*-The Sins Of The 'Innocent' Pray On The True-*
Well....I am currently trying to get into the SGPDX group....I am also trying to make my own group which is the CKY group....It is so us pranksters can talk about how great CKY/Jackass(
) is. We can also talk about stunts and pranks that we do, which is what Im looking forward to...=) Oh and it is also 4/20 today...you know what that means.
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My Parents are gone for 2 weeks....they left on friday.....you know what that means!!! PARTAY!! My freezer is loaded with alcohol. Good old underage drinking.
Gotta Love it. Well Im off to my crappy work. Seeya

changs is the best damn food ever. you need to go.
whens the party my nig?