the time it takes
(the time it takes) to let go!
I dont care what you dont know, I dont care what you dont know, I dont care what you dont know, I dont care what you dont know, I dont care what you dont know, I dont care what you dont know, I dont care what you dont know, I dont care what you...
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(the time it takes) to let go!
I dont care what you dont know, I dont care what you dont know, I dont care what you dont know, I dont care what you dont know, I dont care what you dont know, I dont care what you dont know, I dont care what you dont know, I dont care what you...
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The time it takes
(The time it takes) to let go
(The time it takes) to let go
I'm losing pee. Wait thats normal. Ok so Ilie to keep it "interesting" the "excitement" is that interesting. I found out recently that I have a pitbull that likes to catch balls. Now that hes "fucking cool" I'm gonna use him to it on chicks this summer. I didnt steal it from the commercial but I'll be drinking Coors to see if anyone picks up...
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coors is like sex in a canoe... it's fucking close to water
roger, I read you loud and clear, over
edit - no
[Edited on Mar 17, 2004 10:52AM]
edit - no
[Edited on Mar 17, 2004 10:52AM]
WEEEEEE! What a fun day.
WEEEEEE! What a fun day.

where are you ad where o i answer that now?
Where'd it go?
Forget about it.
Forget about what?
Good job.
Where'd it go?
Forget about it.
Forget about what?
Good job.
oooooold skool is being a member from june 2002 or earlier. 

Well, good news first.
No news today.
Good Luck finding what you're looking for.
No news today.
Good Luck finding what you're looking for.

feeling snarky eh?
It makes it a better day when I* get to find someone elses millionaire rich kid talkin shit... making up stories on the other 90% of America. Aw you feel neglected cuz your mommy was too busy buying you stuff. Well get over it and be grateful you got into college to "sell" me your bullshit on stage. I can't believe it took you Mtv...
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Go suck a cock didldo
War... What is it good for? Economy? Presidents? A tired old military?
Why is everyone anti Bush? I can understand really when he won an election with a 51/50 voting ratio. The only people that care are stupid ass children and gay people. Maybe he sent your buddy off to IRAQ but he joined the ARMY. This place isn't for everyone. The government didn't give...
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Why is everyone anti Bush? I can understand really when he won an election with a 51/50 voting ratio. The only people that care are stupid ass children and gay people. Maybe he sent your buddy off to IRAQ but he joined the ARMY. This place isn't for everyone. The government didn't give...
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write for my site

[Edited on Feb 13, 2004 7:28PM]

[Edited on Feb 13, 2004 7:28PM]
Good Mourning, nobody... I stabbed someone with a steak knife in my dream last night. I had him in a choke hold and pushed him away. I stabbed him five times in the back between the ribs on the side of the body where the heart would be. It was my first murder and I didnt know what to expect when I stabbed him. It...
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Story... the good year girl.
Happy days.... watch it rain.
new years g/f ditched me cuz she didnt wanna drive sober down an empty street.
day after got wasted arrested stood in quick mud while pissing and tore the interior of my car apart to get the keys out of my trunk all before the sun rose on day 2.
day 3 made it home...
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Happy days.... watch it rain.
new years g/f ditched me cuz she didnt wanna drive sober down an empty street.
day after got wasted arrested stood in quick mud while pissing and tore the interior of my car apart to get the keys out of my trunk all before the sun rose on day 2.
day 3 made it home...
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I e-mailed the metro about the age limit of the show. What I'd like to do is get a list of members who are under 21 who would definitely attend the show so maybe they'd take notice. And if in the end this does not work out, I purpose that the under 21 sgchicago crowd have a seperate event that night so we can all get to know each other and bitch about how being young sucks. 

my friend got me a job in the cafe. i needed the job. i took it.