Hey SGland. Life is crazy stressful right now. Got a million things to get done before moving across country. Life never slows down anymore, and its catching up with me. I'm so tired, rundown really. Once everything is finished and I make it to Cali I am going to DEFINITELY be taking a mini break before starting the daily grind again. Even if its only for a week =P. My mom came to visit me and I had a really fun time. We wondered the city, went to ground zero, and tried on silly hats . I also cooked for her a lot which impressed her .
Picturesssssss of stuff.
Picturesssssss of stuff.
Don't forget Feb 9th @7am bright and early my new set Djarum Black goes into MR. I love this set so much. I hope it makes me pink **fingers crossed**
one last preview
[[edit =P]]
Currently my jam of the day
you are lovely...would like to know you one day!
Me too ^