I recently went to Chattanooga Tennessee to visit my love <3 My god was it fucking amazing!! The weather stayed PERFECT the whole time I was there. We did so much awesome stuff. He lives on a lot of land. Has some animals donkeys, a pig, 2 dogs, some chickens. He made me breakfast quite a few mornings with the eggs straight from the chickens

Anyway here are of course.....pictures!
Driving up Lookout Mountain
Camping time!
Time to catch some clips and watch him enjoying his passion <3
Went to a friends on Signal mountain and made smokes...there was also a random fire work show that lasted a good 30 mins. I couldn't catch pictures but it was so beautiful, random, and perfect <3
Did my first waltz on the sidewalk of downtown chattanooga
Walked across the walnut st bridge (and got lovey dovey)
So sad the trip was over heres some pics of me and my stand in gummy flying home.
You know your back in NY when you see ad's like these on your morning walk.
I'm really excited to shoot with Brooklyn this month. I am itching to be back in the queue <3
Here's some sets I would love love love to see front page
And some randoms
XXoo Spliff
P.s. Someone please get me these!! 1lb Reese's