Ok second try at this blog. This week has been loooooooong! The hours at my job are insane, but at least i'm working doing what I enjoy ^_^. I get along with my co workers and thats about all you can ask for at a job lol. Even went out to dinner with some of them and had a blast!.
On another note, the best note of the night ^_^ I met a boy. Now here's the story. He is an aggressive blader as well (only he is actually signed with a team). We met at the Skate comp I went to a few weeks ago. I didn't think much of it when we met, I took some "fan" pics with him and added him on facebook after the competition so I could tag him in them. We started chatting, everyday, and still I really didn't think much of it. Mostly because I haven't dated anyone in a long time, like really dated someone, so I just thought whatever this is just another guy who's gunna be nice because he wants my pussy. I WAS SO WRONG!!! He came to NY last weekend (told me it was because of his friends band coming here to play) and we hung out everyday. Little did I know his purpose for coming to NY was just to see me. He courted me like crazy!! I have never experienced anything like it before. He held every door for me, carried my bags when I moved homes, never ever even tried to make a move or cross that line. To be honest he is a true southern gentlemen, the kind of guy girls talk about being their "dream guy". So when he asked me if I would be his and let him be mine, for the first time ever I didn't hesitate a single second. I decided to jump in head first!! It's weird to think i'm someones girlfriend, yet at the same time I am happier than I could have ever imagined. I feel like im on cloud 9 (or even higher!)!!

im a cheeseball.... AND on top of him being a total sweetheart, he actually approves of SG completely
<3 I am not one to talk about fate but this feels like fate. It all came out of left field and knocked me on my ass.

I think he cleans up very nicely

Now for photo dump of the week!
Gum painting on sidewalk

I cat sat for this awesome lady who had such a spiritual house with great vibes.

I want this camera!

yoga straps!

Throwing it back with some old school eminem <3

Driving from Jamacia queens to Manhattan, burning blunts with my homies (its been to long!).

His sleeve is gunna be sooo sick when its finished!

This is our store cat! His name is Bleeker, he was born 13years ago on bleeker street <3

My new uniform =P

Roamed the city yesterday <3

Ate dinner with Auriga <3 <3 <3

Naughty's <3
Made for me by Androx

XXoo Spliff
P.S. My birthday is tuesday!!!!!
and shortly after my set goes live!!! 
EDIT!!!!! JimCurt99 made this for me for my birthday!! What an amazing gift, I feel so honored <3

On another note, the best note of the night ^_^ I met a boy. Now here's the story. He is an aggressive blader as well (only he is actually signed with a team). We met at the Skate comp I went to a few weeks ago. I didn't think much of it when we met, I took some "fan" pics with him and added him on facebook after the competition so I could tag him in them. We started chatting, everyday, and still I really didn't think much of it. Mostly because I haven't dated anyone in a long time, like really dated someone, so I just thought whatever this is just another guy who's gunna be nice because he wants my pussy. I WAS SO WRONG!!! He came to NY last weekend (told me it was because of his friends band coming here to play) and we hung out everyday. Little did I know his purpose for coming to NY was just to see me. He courted me like crazy!! I have never experienced anything like it before. He held every door for me, carried my bags when I moved homes, never ever even tried to make a move or cross that line. To be honest he is a true southern gentlemen, the kind of guy girls talk about being their "dream guy". So when he asked me if I would be his and let him be mine, for the first time ever I didn't hesitate a single second. I decided to jump in head first!! It's weird to think i'm someones girlfriend, yet at the same time I am happier than I could have ever imagined. I feel like im on cloud 9 (or even higher!)!!

I think he cleans up very nicely

Now for photo dump of the week!
Gum painting on sidewalk

I cat sat for this awesome lady who had such a spiritual house with great vibes.

I want this camera!

yoga straps!

Throwing it back with some old school eminem <3

Driving from Jamacia queens to Manhattan, burning blunts with my homies (its been to long!).

His sleeve is gunna be sooo sick when its finished!

This is our store cat! His name is Bleeker, he was born 13years ago on bleeker street <3

My new uniform =P

Roamed the city yesterday <3

Ate dinner with Auriga <3 <3 <3

Naughty's <3
Made for me by Androx

XXoo Spliff

P.S. My birthday is tuesday!!!!!

EDIT!!!!! JimCurt99 made this for me for my birthday!! What an amazing gift, I feel so honored <3
