What a gloriously cooler day =). Even look like we may get some rain bringing us back down to 70's overnight. YAYYY.
At this very moment I am missing my other half Waikiki <3 So many great things have happened to me in the last 2 weeks thanks to this lovely lady. But now your back home (although I think your new home is definitely... Read More
IT"S TOPLESS FRIDAY!!!! Time to get the ladies to flash me on this hellishly hot 110 degree day!
But first wake n bake with a few Spliffs and than meeting up with the beautiful Auriga to perv out <33
Keep cool those on the east coast!! =) And everyone keep your eyes peeled for my soon to come topless friday album that hopefully wont end... Read More
AWWWW!!! I am loving that gay marriage is legal now in NY. So many life long partners now being able to officially be recognized in everyone's eyes as the beautiful lovers they are!
There are actually so many couples wanting to share their love and tie the knot that they actually have to have a lottery to choose the first couples to get married ^_^... Read More
This heatwave!! Topless friday is about to become topless thrusday and friday ^_^. It's only 9 something in the morning and it feels like 102 outside already!!! This pale gal is going to cook in the sun today.