@spizik I hope the physical activity helps. I know for me it really does get me out of my head and curbs my anxiety. And hopefully it helps get you focused on other stuff too:). Do you have any fitness goals other than weight loss? Events you want to try? 
@nebula right now its just I need to start feeling better. My body has been such a mess for so long and its time I get to where I wanted to be. I started out well over 300 and I'm looking to be under 200. After that I need to see how I feel, I miss running and being active

@beetlefairy is a super cool member who I have painted before. haven't chatted in awhile so I decided to speed paint her.

wooooooooow amazing painting !!!
These are so good!

So today it would have been my 10 year wedding anniversary. Its a weird thing to realize.. it honestly snuck up on me. Last year i managed to get the divorce i was looking for on the 5th so yesterday was my "in between" day. I try not to be a bitter person but when i say the day i just felt like having a...
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So, met someone at the bar I work at. She was with a group of my friends so we bounced from bar right bar having a good night. After the bars closed I help the people at my bar close while she left with a mutual female friend.

She messaged me for 2 hours after, we message for most of the next day while I...
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