ok so my 1st journal. I went out drinking tonight to my bar the lunchpaper. I ran into my friend johnboy. when i was shot 10 yrs ago j.b. held a benefit in my name. He told me tonight that he respected me for helping start fnb in this town. He respects me for helping other people when i was down. we cried together. I feel like a traitor. i used to work with fnb and ef! Now i just float around being an alki and being comfortable. i suck.
i did find my 1st friend on sg,lacey, who rocks! I was suprised to find in the chatrooms there are some real women haters. on sg!bad bad, matt
i did find my 1st friend on sg,lacey, who rocks! I was suprised to find in the chatrooms there are some real women haters. on sg!bad bad, matt
I hope you had a safe trip and a great holiday weekend!
IM me when you get home.