finally my finals are over. after you reach a certain age it should be illegal to have to relearn algebra. really wanted to go out tonight, but damn am i just tooo tired
I'm walking a thin line between failing and passing algebra. It's always been my worst subject. My mind just "spaces" out sometimes. Girls who pronounce it "nekkid" rule!
Just when I think Im all almost healed up, an ultrasound discovers a more serious problem. I think I must have pissed off someone with magical powers somewhere alone the line. fuckity fuck fuck fuck.
aargh, im so behind in life. ive been sick lately; been to the emergancy room 3 times in the space of a month. I think they finally figured out whats up. Im gonna start having to sell organs on the black market to pay of athens regional.fuck
yeh so tonight at 1:20 marked my wheelchair's 10th birthday. My best friend, Jen is flying in from new york to help celebrate.Also my favorite future cripple sg lacey420 is back on the scene, so im happy.
I play in a trad'l. Irish band; tonight we had a ceili (kind of an irish barn dance) at a unitarian church. It was cool; my parents drove up to see us play. I had a great time, though the girl i invited didnt show up. suck. Yup thats about all that going on with me.
ok so my 1st journal. I went out drinking tonight to my bar the lunchpaper. I ran into my friend johnboy. when i was shot 10 yrs ago j.b. held a benefit in my name. He told me tonight that he respected me for helping start fnb in this town. He respects me for helping other people when i was down. we cried together. I... Read More
hope all is well,
Shit, I forgot about your birthday!