Reason #39 why I fucking hate moving:

Not only that, but it's expensive as shit and time consuming!
End rant.
I'm hoping to save up for a tattoo of something similar to this with two apples on it and one next to it. I think I also want some of its roots showing as well. It's going to be my first tattoo for my mom; ya know, because the apple doesnt fall far from the tree. Hopefully my arm is big enough for it!

Anywho, here are photos of my super cute princess Nirvana.

Now that I'm FINALLY off work and am now stoned, I'm going to bed. Third shift SUCKS. The whole sun being out when I'm trying to sleep isn't working out.

If you've gotten to this point, congrats. For that here are my IBT. Goodnight.

Not only that, but it's expensive as shit and time consuming!
End rant.
I'm hoping to save up for a tattoo of something similar to this with two apples on it and one next to it. I think I also want some of its roots showing as well. It's going to be my first tattoo for my mom; ya know, because the apple doesnt fall far from the tree. Hopefully my arm is big enough for it!

Anywho, here are photos of my super cute princess Nirvana.

Now that I'm FINALLY off work and am now stoned, I'm going to bed. Third shift SUCKS. The whole sun being out when I'm trying to sleep isn't working out.

If you've gotten to this point, congrats. For that here are my IBT. Goodnight.

Yeah moving sucks, hope you finish soon, great ibts
moving does suck. especially when you have awesome Orange walls that now hove to become white.. the tree is a pretty saweet tattoo idea. cute pup. third shift was fun for me.. and ibt are well wonderful.