I'm in need of some input, advice, whatever you want to call it about... I don't even know how to word it. Basically about posting comments wherever. There is probably a thread about this somewhere but I have yet to look for it.
Now, this awesome site has been around for forever, so just about everything you can think of has a thread, any set idea has pretty much been done. There are THOUSANDS of members so every pov has been said. How are you suppose to be original with your comments? You can basically agree or disagree with someone and go on your way. I find that it's extremely hard to stand out with my comments. And I'm all about being different and being yourself. And I try my hardest not to spam.
I guess I'm just.... Afraid of being repetitive or something to that effect. Help me out here ?
Now, this awesome site has been around for forever, so just about everything you can think of has a thread, any set idea has pretty much been done. There are THOUSANDS of members so every pov has been said. How are you suppose to be original with your comments? You can basically agree or disagree with someone and go on your way. I find that it's extremely hard to stand out with my comments. And I'm all about being different and being yourself. And I try my hardest not to spam.
I guess I'm just.... Afraid of being repetitive or something to that effect. Help me out here ?

Hey, just be yourself. 

Just say whatever you want to say. It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. You are beautiful for who you are, not what you say. Having the most responses on a thread or a blog doesn't mean anything. Just enjoy the site and it will be everything you need it to be.