Totally have an excuse for dropping off the face of the earth: my laptop died and I have a little more respect for my dad than to leave history of a porno site (however soft it may be) on the desktop.
But now I've got a nifty new Dell Inspiron, so here's to blogging and potentially semi nude photos.
Still with the boy and doing well.
Still in school full time and making good grades.
Working a cushy job as an after school tutor. Third graders are something else I swear.
Not reading or taking photos as much as I'd like but hey...I'll get back around to that.
October's always been a bit of a weird month for me, so cross your fingers that I get through it relatively unscathed.
luv luv luv
But now I've got a nifty new Dell Inspiron, so here's to blogging and potentially semi nude photos.
Still with the boy and doing well.
Still in school full time and making good grades.
Working a cushy job as an after school tutor. Third graders are something else I swear.
Not reading or taking photos as much as I'd like but hey...I'll get back around to that.
October's always been a bit of a weird month for me, so cross your fingers that I get through it relatively unscathed.
luv luv luv
Yeah, don't get me wrong, you always get lured to stay for the boobies
but I also like having some kind of blog and online human interaction without all the bullshit you get from myspace or facebook. I don't want people to find me unless I want them to and if you don't pay for a membership then access denied!!

But hells yeah for the drinks! Keep me posted of when you're gonna be out here and we shall visit a late-night establishment for the consumption of distilled spirits!!!