New Tattoo. Much better pictures coming. Sorry for the glare.

Tattoo done by Stina at Tattoo Junkies in Portsmouth New Hampshire off of route 1.
If your in New England why go anywhere else? Seriously?
6 Days, West Coast Bond

Tattoo done by Stina at Tattoo Junkies in Portsmouth New Hampshire off of route 1.
If your in New England why go anywhere else? Seriously?
6 Days, West Coast Bond
"I want Diversity, Culture, Bright colors and randomness." ------ I LOVE this. Honestly, good for you. That's almost EXACTLY what I want too, and i aint getting it here in CALGARY. Everything's full of like.. yellow wheat and brown fences and grey stone and brown dirt. :-/
I've lived in AB for about 15 years now but I spent a while in Australia, Banff/Canmore & the Rocky Mountains (......13 years of the 15 was spent there, I hated every breath I took there) and about a year in Vancouver. Canada-wise I would DIE to be able to thrive and survive in metro Toronto, with my next choice being Vancouver. And I've ALWAYS wanted to learn french and temporarily go pierce and party in Montreal to meet some new friends. Those are the only three cities in this fucking country I will ever love.
And then there's Los Angeles, of course, which I cannot even express to you how badly I'd like to be there, and NY, and on the top of my entire list out of anywhere in the world, London.
But honestly, I'd like to live in all of those places for a short period of time each, so I can feel them all out. I'm not quite one for settling down.
and I am very excited to see what you have sent!! and it is no big deal that there wasnt a letter with it