Thursday, December 18th
7:30pm doors / 8pm show
Bowery Poetry Club (www. bowerypoetry. com)
308 Bowery (bet.
Houston & Bleecker)
Manhattan, NYC
Birthday Party for Carlos Andrs Gmez.
I really want to go.
If you are a fan of slam poetry, and truth in spoken word you need to be there.
Oh I got internet back
Miss me?
7:30pm doors / 8pm show
Bowery Poetry Club (www. bowerypoetry. com)
308 Bowery (bet.
Houston & Bleecker)
Manhattan, NYC
Birthday Party for Carlos Andrs Gmez.
I really want to go.
If you are a fan of slam poetry, and truth in spoken word you need to be there.
Oh I got internet back
Miss me?
oatmeal cookies are delicious <3
I am usually stuck at home in Ireland so this is gonna be nice to be in the USA. Then hoping to go to NYC for NYE