Here we go again! Heres still just the tip of the iceberg of all the beautiful deserving hopefuls I admire and hope go pink 💖
We start off with this hottie @eliieweeds who has been a longtime hopeful since 2015! 💖
Another longtime baddie @tastyzombie whose sets are so creative! 💖
The beautiful @nannakya has gorgeous sets and SG spirit!💖
Of course @melusine2908 who I thought was pink is a mega babe! 💖
This lovely lady @spannie has so many beautiful sets!💖
Last but not least @creamynal can rock that G I Jane look like no other and I may have a weakness or that look sue me😅💖
Give these hopefuls all the love and i have so many more to add but for now let’s drool 🤤 I mean support 😅 these ladies!💖
@penny @kyrie @vaega @cherie @lust