I may seem cheerful and I am but I also am dealing with a lot I don’t talk about. I put a lot of pressure on myself idk how to stop
It just seems like I out so much effort into things and try to be a good person but I feel misunderstood a lot and it also seems no matter how hard I try I’m always two steps back
I hate having chronic health issues and I hate feeling alone.
I feel like ever since I started living a better life things have just been getting worse and everyone says I’m strong but I don’t want to be anymore I just want peace .

I really appreciate all the love and advice from you all. It warms my heart just logging on and reading your comments. I’m just struggling with a lot at once and putting a lot of pressure and stress on myself because I never think I’m good enough. I get in my head and I’m a very emotional person and I feel hard so when I’m up I’m great and when I’m down it’s a struggle to keep going. Having chronic health issues is also making me sad because it hold me back from so much that I want to do. Anyway thanks so much loves.Its also hard not having any support with family or many friends so idk what I’d do without this community. Much love 🫶 @helainked @littlejohn22 @sorcerer333 @samihain @eztarg3t @alexislust @richsquared ✨🩵🩵🩵
